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Risk Factors Of Heart Disease PowerPoint Presentation

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Risk Factors Of Heart Disease Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Risk factors for Heart Disease
Slide 2 - Today the most people are suffering from heart disease is increasing continuously. Heart disease can be prevented well in time by some changes of our daily life. To make these changes, you need to conscious of these 12 common factors that develop heart disease.
Slide 3 - Family history : The heart disease risk is higher if any of your relatives have had a heart disease before.
Slide 4 - Age : Age is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) or heart disease. According to research approximately 40% of deaths due to heart failure and stroke in people aged 60 years and above.
Slide 5 - Ethnicity : Genetic differences and environmental factors influencing them play a major role in risk factor for heart disease in various ethnic groups.
Slide 6 - Gender : CVD or heart disease is a leading cause of death in both men and women but there are prominent differences in both the genders. In the oldest age group, men are more likely to suffer heart disease than women.
Slide 7 - Diabetes : People who has diabetes have three times higher risk of suffering coronary heart disease and may dying due to heart disease.
Slide 8 - High triglyceride level : While considering the risk factor of heart disease, triglycerides don't consider in list. But in India, high level of triglycerides is a big concern.
Slide 9 - Smoking : If you smoke you’re twice likely to suffer from heart disease than people who don’t smoke. The risk of heart disease further varies with the duration and frequency of smoking.
Slide 10 - Obesity: If you’re overweight, you are 6 times more likely to suffer from heart disease.
Slide 11 - High BP (Blood Pressure) : Hypertension means increased blood pressure on the walls of the arteries. If not controlled properly, this increased pressure can cause thickening of the blood vessels. Thickened blood vessels along with high cholesterol levels can lead to hypertensive heart disease like coronary artery disease, heart failure and thickening of heart muscle.
Slide 12 - High cholesterol : When the blood level of bad cholesterol (LDL) is high, cholesterol gets deposited on the walls of the arteries. This blocks the arteries and restricts the blood flow, so as a result is cause heart disease.
Slide 13 - Alcohol intake : Drinking more than the recommended alcohol limit increases blood cholesterol level, blood pressure and cause of heart attack.
Slide 14 - Stress : Old stress is a main cause of depression, this may cause of heart disease. Stress is also responsible for forcing individuals (people) to unhealthy practices like smoking and alcoholism.
Slide 15 - Avoid above risk factor of heart disease and add healthy eating habits and active lifestyle.
Slide 16 - References: Lloyd-Jones DM1, Larson MG, Beiser A, Levy D. Lifetime risk of developing coronary heart disease. Promoting Cardiovascular Health in the Developing World: A Critical Challenge to Achieve Global Health. (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) and Google Image Thank You