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HOW TO BECOME A TOP RECRUITER Presentation Transcript

Slide 2 - Performance of a good recruiter is to placements per month, with send outs (interviews arranged with hiring managers) per month and send outs per hire being the two key performance drivers for this. Whether you’re a third-party or corporate recruiter, making more placements per month is always a targeted. Try these 10 ways for recruitment you can double your placements per month :
Slide 3 - #1. First make sure all of your candidates are interviewed, always try to presenting strong candidates.
Slide 4 - #2. You should be getting at least 50% to 75% of your voice mails returned HOW ? One of the best ways to achieve this is to only call people who have been referred to you where you can mention the referrer’s name.
Slide 5 - #3. STOP talking to bad candidates, even if they return your call, you shouldn’t be wasting your time. Become great at networking and getting great referrals.
Slide 6 - #4. Don’t waste your time reviewing resumes of under-performers. Always try to search with top performance keywords in resume database to separate the good resumes from the bad.
Slide 7 - #5. Reduce the percentage of candidates who say "NO" or "NOT INTERESTED" on first contact HOW ? Don’t ask questions that can be answered with a “no.”
Slide 8 - #6. Reduce the rate of candidates who voluntarily opt-out of your interviewing process after meeting with the hiring manager.
Slide 9 - #7. Prevent your clients from eliminating good candidates for bad reasons. Here are some tips on how to prevent this costly misunderstanding : send a snippet (e.g., product or presentation) of the candidate’s top works along with the resume, provide some type of evidence (e.g., recommendation) that can’t be easily refuted.
Slide 10 - #8. Prevent your best candidates from rejecting good offers for bad reasons, especially with money. It’s important to get candidates to consider both the short- and long-term issues in balance.
Slide 11 - #9. Increase the number of relevant people who see your ads. If you’re using any form of advertising. The best people are now Googling for different types of jobs, so depends how you get to the first-page listings, it will increase your flow of relevant candidates.
Slide 12 - #10. Increase response and relevant rate of your ads. If you’re not tracking the who and how many number of people are coming from your ad, you’re wasting your money and time. Write quality, catchy and relevant ads copy (content) for advertisement.
Slide 13 - These above recruitment tips may help you move from being an average recruiter to a really good one