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Top 20 Cucumber interview questions and answers in 2023 PowerPoint Presentation

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Top 20 Cucumber interview questions and answers in 2023 Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Top 20 Cucumber interview questions and answers in 2023 www.magnitia.com | +91 6309 16 16 16 | +91 6309 17 17 17 | info@magnitia.com
Slide 2 - www.magnitia.com | +91 6309 16 16 16 | +91 6309 17 17 17 | info@magnitia.com Here are the top 20 interview questions and answers related to cucumbers: 1. What is Cucumber?  Cucumber is a widely-used open-source testing tool that supports Behavior Driven Development (BDD). It enables collaboration between developers, testers, and business stakeholders to create and execute test cases. 2. What is BDD (Behavior Driven Development)?  BDD is a software development approach that emphasizes collaboration between developers, testers, and non-technical stakeholders. It uses a common language to describe the desired behavior of the software. 3. What is Gherkin syntax?  Gherkin is a human-readable format used to write BDD scenarios. It uses keywords like Given, When, Then, And, and But to define the steps of a scenario. 4. How do you install Cucumber?  Cucumber is typically installed as a Ruby gem using the command: gem install cucumber
Slide 3 - www.magnitia.com | +91 6309 16 16 16 | +91 6309 17 17 17 | info@magnitia.com 5. What are the different types of hooks in Cucumber?  Hooks are blocks of code that run before or after scenarios. The types of hooks in Cucumber are Before, After, BeforeStep, and AfterStep. 6. How do you define a feature file?  A feature file is a text file with a .feature extension that contains scenarios written in Gherkin syntax. It defines the feature being tested and its scenarios. 7. What is the purpose of the Step Definition file?  The Step Definition file contains the implementation of the steps defined in the feature file. It maps each step to code that performs the corresponding action. 8. How can you pass parameters to a Step Definition method?  You can pass parameters using placeholders in step expressions, like “I have {int} cucumbers”, and retrieve them as arguments in the corresponding step definition method. 9. How do you run Cucumber tests from the command line?  You can run Cucumber tests using the cucumber command followed by the path to the feature files.
Slide 4 - www.magnitia.com | +91 6309 16 16 16 | +91 6309 17 17 17 | info@magnitia.com 10. What is a scenario outline?  A scenario outline allows you to run the same scenario with different sets of data. It uses the Examples keyword to provide a table of inputs and expected outcomes. 11. How do you skip a specific scenario in Cucumber?  You can tag scenarios with the @ignore tag to skip their execution during test runs. 12. What is data-driven testing in Cucumber?  Data-driven testing involves running the same scenario with different sets of input data to validate various scenarios. 13. How can you group and organize scenarios in Cucumber?  You can use tags to group scenarios together. Tags are specified using the @ symbol in the feature file. 14. What is a background in Cucumber?  A background is a set of steps that are common to all scenarios in a feature file. It helps eliminate redundancy in scenarios. 15. How do you parameterize a scenario outline’s input data?  You can use placeholders in the Examples section of a scenario outline and provide values in the table beneath it.
Slide 5 - www.magnitia.com | +91 6309 16 16 16 | +91 6309 17 17 17 | info@magnitia.com 16. How can you share state between different step definitions?  You can share state using dependency injection frameworks like PicoContainer or using context objects. 17. What is the purpose of the Cucumber JVM framework?  Cucumber JVM allows you to use Cucumber with Java to perform BDD testing. 18. How can you integrate Cucumber with other testing frameworks?  Cucumber can be integrated with frameworks like JUnit or TestNG to manage test execution and generate reports. 19. What is a tagged hook in Cucumber?  A tagged hook runs only for scenarios or features with specific tags, allowing you to define hooks for specific scenarios. 20. What is the difference between Cucumber and other testing frameworks?  Cucumber focuses on collaboration and communication through its human-readable scenarios written in Gherkin syntax, making it particularly suited for BDD. Other testing frameworks like JUnit or TestNG focus on the technical aspects of test automation. Remember to personalize your answers and elaborate on your experience and understanding of Cucumber in interviews.
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