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Top 15 Appium Interview Questions and Answers in 2023 Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - www.magnitia.com |+91 6309 16 16 16 |+91 6309 17 17 17 | info@magnitia.com Top 15 Appium Interview Questions and Answers in 2023
Slide 2 - www.magnitia.com |+91 6309 16 16 16 |+91 6309 17 17 17 | info@magnitia.com What is Appium? Appium is an open-source mobile automation framework that allows you to write and execute automated tests for mobile applications on Android and iOS platforms. What are the different types of mobile applications supported by Appium? Appium supports native, hybrid, and mobile web applications. Explain the architecture of Appium? Appium follows a client-server architecture. The Appium server acts as a bridge between the test script and the mobile application under test. The test script communicates with the Appium server using the WebDriver protocol, which in turn interacts with the mobile device using the vendor-provided automation frameworks (e.g., UIAutomator for Android, XCUITest for iOS). What programming languages are supported by Appium? Appium supports several programming languages, including Java, Python, C#, Ruby, and JavaScript. How can you install Appium? Appium can be installed using Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager). You can install Appium by executing the command “npm install -g appium” in the command line.
Slide 3 - www.magnitia.com |+91 6309 16 16 16 |+91 6309 17 17 17 | info@magnitia.com What is the difference between Selenium and Appium? Selenium is used for web application automation, while Appium is specifically designed for automating mobile applications on Android and iOS platforms. What are the advantages of using Appium for mobile app testing? Some advantages of using Appium are: Cross-platform support for Android and iOS. Supports multiple programming languages. Allows reusing tests across different platforms. No need for access to the source code of the application. Supports testing native, hybrid, and mobile web apps. How does Appium identify elements on a mobile application? Appium uses a combination of attributes, such as resource ID, class name, accessibility ID, and XPath, to locate elements on a mobile application. What is the Appium Inspector? The Appium Inspector is a tool that allows you to inspect the elements of a mobile application and generate element locators. It provides a graphical interface to view and interact with the application while identifying the properties of elements.
Slide 4 - www.magnitia.com |+91 6309 16 16 16 |+91 6309 17 17 17 | info@magnitia.com How can you swipe in Appium? To perform swipe gestures in Appium, you can use the swipe() method provided by the Appium driver. This method takes the start and end coordinates as parameters. What is the Desired Capabilities concept in Appium? Desired Capabilities are a set of key-value pairs used to provide instructions to the Appium server about the desired automation session. They define the device name, platform name, platform version, app package, app activity, and other necessary details required for the automation session. How can you handle native and hybrid applications in Appium? Appium provides the capability to handle both native and hybrid applications. For native applications, you can use the native automation frameworks (e.g., UIAutomator for Android, XCUITest for iOS). For hybrid applications, you can switch to the web context and use web automation techniques. Explain the concept of implicit wait in Appium. Implicit wait is a mechanism in Appium that waits for a certain amount of time for an element to appear on the screen. If the element is found before the timeout, the execution proceeds immediately. If the element is not found within the timeout period, a timeout exception is thrown.
Slide 5 - www.magnitia.com |+91 6309 16 16 16 |+91 6309 17 17 17 | info@magnitia.com How can you install Appium on a real device? To install Appium on a real device, you need to connect the device to your computer and enable USB debugging. Then, configure the desired capabilities with the appropriate device name and platform version. How can you interact with a mobile application using Appium? To interact with a mobile application using Appium, you can use the following methods: Finding elements: Use the element locator strategies provided by Appium, such as resource ID, class name, accessibility ID, XPath, etc., to locate elements on the mobile application. Performing actions on elements: Once you have located an element, you can perform various actions on it, such as clicking, sending text, clearing text, getting attribute values, etc. Navigating between screens: Appium allows you to navigate between screens in the mobile application by using methods like driver.navigate().back() to go back, driver.navigate().forward() to go forward, or driver.navigate().to() to navigate to a specific URL. Interacting with native elements: For native elements specific to the platform, you can use methods provided by the respective automation frameworks, such as UIAutomator for Android or XCUITest for iOS. These methods allow you to interact with elements like date pickers, scrollable lists, dialogs, etc.
Slide 6 - www.magnitia.com |+91 6309 16 16 16 |+91 6309 17 17 17 | info@magnitia.com Performing gestures: Appium supports various gestures, such as tapping, swiping, scrolling, pinching, and zooming. You can use the corresponding methods (tap(), swipe(), scrollTo(), pinch(), zoom()) to perform these gestures on the mobile application. Handling alerts and pop-ups: Appium provides methods to handle alerts and pop-ups that may appear during the execution of the test script. You can accept, dismiss, or interact with these alerts using methods like driver.switchTo().alert().accept() or driver.switchTo().alert().dismiss(). Capturing screenshots: You can capture screenshots of the mobile application at any desired point during the execution using the driver.getScreenshotAs() method. This can be useful for debugging and reporting purposes. Waiting for elements: Appium provides mechanisms to wait for specific conditions before performing actions on elements. You can use implicit or explicit waits to ensure that the required elements are present and ready for interaction. By using these methods and techniques provided by Appium, you can effectively interact with the elements and functionality of a mobile application during test automation.