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Sexual Reproduction In Animals PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Sexual Reproduction In Animals powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Sexual Reproduction In Animals in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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Sexual Reproduction In Animals Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Sexual Reproduction in Animals
Slide 2 - ppt slide no 2 content not found
Slide 3 - Fertilization Sperm nucleus enters the egg and moves to the egg nucleus. The 2 nuclei join together and then form a zygote.
Slide 4 - External Fertilization *outside the body Animals that breed in the water Many hazards in the environment Sperm and egg may not meet Eggs or offspring may be eaten May die due to environmental conditions Temperature Oxygen level
Slide 5 - Large number of sperm and egg are released to overcome hazards Hormones control behavior to have sperm and egg released at the same time.
Slide 6 - Internal Fertilization *within the female body Land animals Some aquatic animals Shark Octopus
Slide 7 - Requires specialized sex organ to carry sperm to body of female Watery environment needed for sperm to swim to the egg
Slide 8 - After fertilization, zygote is enclosed in a protective shell and released OR remains and develops in female body Zygote Turtle laying eggs
Slide 9 - Internal Fertilization Fewer eggs needed Well protected Increased chance of fertilization Parthenogenesis – development of unfertilized egg into an adult.- Bees & Wasps
Slide 10 - This powerpoint was kindly donated to www.worldofteaching.com http://www.worldofteaching.com Is home to well over a thousand powerpoints submitted by teachers. This a free site. Please visit and I hope it will help in your teaching