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The Advantage of Using Newton Color Labels In Your Retail Store PowerPoint Presentation

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The Advantage of Using Newton Color Labels In Your Retail Store Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - The Advantage Of Using Newton Color Labels In Your Retail Store
Slide 2 - Newton color labels are quickly becoming a viable part of a ticketing strategy as retailers start implementation across many industry segments. As this technology matures and the hardware becomes more affordable, a lot of companies are taking a serious look at using the electronic shelf labels (ESLs) as part of their store promotions as well as ticketing solution. If you are in the retail business, there has never been a better time to fully consider the impact of Newton Color system labels on your retail ticketing strategy.
Slide 3 - It is not difficult to see or understand why many retailers are attracted to the idea of an  electronic shelf labels. With the rising volume of price changes, it means that retailers require a ticketing strategy just to keep pace. When a large network or franchise is involved, the electronic or digital price tag technology provides an ideal way for marketing departments to make sure that the right prices are being displayed in the right place, and at the right time. However, retailers also see pricing strategies as a way of gaining a competitive advantage.
Slide 4 - As days go by, retailers are becoming sophisticated in the manner in which they conduct pricing, and it often relates to an increase in pricing changes.  Large retail stores have become very aggressive in their pricing strategies for any number of reasons, including time-of-day pricing for competitive price matching. It is very hard and costly to make daily price changes across a  large retail store without newton color labels system.
Slide 5 - But, even small and medium retail companies have started to explore pricing optimization. As a retailer, there is no way you can model data in real time without an ESL solution. For more information on the Advantage Of Using Newton Color Labels In Your Retail Store, visit our website at  https://solumesl.com/