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Principles of Internet Marketing PowerPoint Presentation

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Principles of Internet Marketing Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - By Zongqing Zhou, PhD Associate Professor Niagara University PRINCIPLES OF INTERNET MARKETING
Slide 2 - Principles of Internet Marketing Internet Marketing Defined The process of matching the products and services to the needs and wants of the consumers through communications online Sometimes referred to as e-marketing (electronic marketing) In the context of my book, it is exclusively referred to the use of the Internet for marketing communications.
Slide 3 - Principles of Internet Marketing Principle One: Integration The value of the knowledge of the traditional marketing The applicability of 8Ps in Internet Marketing The concept of marketing mix Internet marketing has become an integral part of business operation
Slide 4 - Principles of Internet Marketing Principle Two: Market Segmentation Internet marketing is about market segmentation Market segmentation in the Internet is about virtual community marketing Internet is the ideal communication channel for marketing segmentation
Slide 5 - Principles of Internet Marketing Principle Three: Customization Internet makes it much easier to customize marketing communication There is a great need for customization in the age of the Internet Customization is based on the understanding of the customers.
Slide 6 - Principles of Internet Marketing Principle Four: Timeless The 24/7 phenomenon The 24/7 open door customer service The timing of delivery of marketing communication messages
Slide 7 - Principles of Internet Marketing Principle Five: The Global Village A virtual community without physical boundary Cultural sensitivity Language sensitivity Payment methods
Slide 8 - Principles of Internet Marketing Principle Six: The Power of the Consumers Information overload Choices exploded Price transparency The click is the power
Slide 9 - Principles of Internet Marketing Principle Seven: the customer is your salesperson The ‘web’ of communication in the Internet makes it possible that a happy customer becomes involuntarily your sale persons in a much faster, spontaneous manner than ever before.
Slide 10 - Principles of Internet Marketing Principle Eight: Earning the consumer’s trust The ‘web’ has leveled the playing field for everyone; physical size doesn’t matter anymore New brand names and businesses multiply; name recognition and trust become critical in marketing communication
Slide 11 - Principles of Internet Marketing Principle Nine: Internet Marketing Research is key The anonymous nature of the Internet Users The capability of the Internet for tracking and Interactive research The availability of information on the web makes it important and convenient for taking advantage of the vast sea of information for analysis and decision-making
Slide 12 - Principles of Internet Marketing Principle Ten: Understanding Technology The changing nature of technology Marketing tactics and strategies depend on applications of the technology The optimal use of available technology The adoption and use of a particular technology reflects consumers’ behaviors.
Slide 13 - Principles of Internet Marketing Conclusion Internet is a new tool for marketing Traditional marketing concepts are not totally out of place, but instead injected with new meaning and communicated with new set of techniques The new tool enables creativity and innovation in marketing