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5 Hottest Video Game Trends Emerging from Today’s Generation of Consoles PowerPoint Presentation

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5 Hottest Video Game Trends Emerging from Today’s Generation of Consoles Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - 5 Hottest Video Game Trends Emerging from Today’s Generation of Consoles
Slide 2 - Each generation of console starts a new series of trends onto which the games are developed which runs on for some time. At the core the trend starts from a single developer, which ignites the competition with more and more companies following the way. For instance, the concept of joystick emerged from PlayStation 1, which raised the bar all the way till Super Nintendo came out with a huge, sprawling RPG. With the current 7th generation of gaming consoles, there are some minor trends that limit to a certain genre of games, and then there are major trends which have an impact significant enough to affect the direction in which the gaming technology and experience is headed.
Slide 3 - When Nintendo introduced Wii, many gamers thought this was just an attention-seeking move and not a major shift in the gaming experience. However, Sony and Microsoft were quick to jump on the concept and thrown in their Move and Kinect respectively. With current advancements, Microsoft is still heavily investing in its motion control output, associating it with every Xbox One. Therefore, it’s no doubt the trend of motion controls will still burn hot at least till the next generation comes over. Motion Controls
Slide 4 - Back in old times, multiplayer involved simply playing a game, which when signed out, will require you to start all over again. That was fine till the time Call of Duty 4 came out in shelves. Players became used to unlocking new weapons and levels with experience, but for many it become whole lot frustrating to start back from the beginning. Here again such persistent multiplayer characters makes the games in this genre so much fun. Multiplayer Characters
Slide 5 - Old games used to offer a strictly defined path both in terms of gameplay and story. Such gameplays left us little to wonder like, “this door is locked and looks tempting, what may be on the other side of this door?” However, the introduction of Grand Theft Auto showcased the world what an open-world concept actually is. While this generation of games such as Mass Effect, Dragon Age, etc. have taken the concept even further, with now the player having seemingly endless choices each directly influencing the story of the game. The player choice is an amazing feature for hardcore gamers, as it allows them to create their own experience. Games like LA Noire, Far Cry, etc. apply this aspect with players getting to change the actual ending of the game. So it comes to no surprise the player choice is gaining importance with each upcoming titles. Player Choice
Slide 6 - Traditionally games were as straightforward as a player ending them, and then that’s it. Obviously you could go back and play the game all over again, but then there was nothing new left to try and experience. This is where DLC steps in which involves the developers adding a whole new content and life into the game. What initially started for developers as a way to expand their game’s content, became a whole new method of distributing the games across players. Downloadable Content
Slide 7 - Indie games have always been on the scene but have felt a major rise from the latter half of 2000s. These games are not a part of a big development company and are created without the financial support from the publisher. Due to their popularity, big guns of the industry such as Sony, Microsoft and even PC have accepted smaller indie games willingly, therefore, so have the players. One major contributor in their rise is crowd funding. Websites like Indiegogo and Kickstarter have facilitated a large number of such games to hit the market which would have easily gone unnoticed without funding. Both major console developers are tempting for more indie games to associate with the next generation, while entertainment platforms like Steam Greenlight are committed to bring more games in the awareness of market. Rise of the Indie Games
Slide 8 - Thank you for spending your quality time here. We will appreciate your suggestions and feedback. This presentation is made on the behalf of Shamy Stores. Stay connected with us through our contact information below. CALL US: 03-4288876 Website: http://shamystores.com/ Raml Station: 03-48 68 316 011 11 511 622 address: 42 El-Naby Danial St - Raml Station Smouha: 03-4288876 012 80 777 299 address: 90 Fawzi moaaz st, front El- horeya Mall , Smouha