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SEO Content Marketing Strategies for 2023 PowerPoint Presentation

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SEO Content Marketing Strategies for 2023 Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - SEO Content Marketing Strategies for 2023
Slide 2 - Introduction Talk to many digital marketing experts nowadays and they will tell you that ‘content is king’. It is a well-worn phrase but a crucial one. Unfortunately, it is also one which many businesses and industries find difficult to come to grips with. Great content is designed to keep your existing consumer focused on your brand, improve loyalty, generate leads and direct sales, as well as create awareness in new, potential customers. It is affordable and more effective than other forms of advertising: Content marketing price 62% less than traditional advertising and creates 3 times as many leads. 77% of internet users read blogs and it is one of the proven ways that digital marketers utilize nowadays to improve SEO. Creating a strong strategy for great content, therefore, is essential to success. Lots of businesses get into the habit of throwing as much content as they can at their digital wall, hoping it has the desired effect. As a digital marketing company in Nagpur, we are going to share with you the top five SEO Content Marketing Strategies to Stay Ahead of In 2023
Slide 3 - 1) Email Promotion Will Continue Its Charm Email marketing has been there for a while, and it is still beneficial in bringing traffic and leads to a website. As per the Content Marketing and digital marketing institute, email marketing is still believed to be the very effective content distribution medium by more than 75% of people. You can send out weekly or newsletters to your mailing list containing new and exclusive content.  If you would like to increasing your customers or subscribers base or retain the existing ones, you should send them amazing and exclusive content from time to time, i.e., content that is not published anywhere on your website. This is an Efficacious way to make your subscriber feel significant. Since most marketing emails end up in spam files, try to add a touch of personalization information to your email newsletters like addressing your subscribers by their surname or name. Make sure to follow a mobile-friendly format for your email newsletters because nowadays most of the people browse their emails on their phones. Design your email report to make it look professional. Add an attractive or creative headline and subject lines. Use images, and videos, sub headlines, wherever necessary.
Slide 4 - Many corporations start with small resources and they must figure out how to make the most of them. Investigation and Data processing are sped up, thanks to AI technology, taking decision-making easier. To obtain high productivity and increase efficiency in business, AI integration with human worker is projected to increase. Consumer wants businesses to respond in real-time. Content marketing techniques will continue to include AI-powered chat bots. More tools for analyzing data and creating digital marketing material, such as optimized blog entries, will be available as AI technology advances. This type of automation allows employees to focus on more crucial responsibilities. 2) Artificial intelligence technology
Slide 5 - LinkedIn is a networking website for professionals where they can post job related vacancies and requirements and share industry news and information. Unlike Face book, where the organic reach of posts is limited, LinkedIn offers better opportunities for brands to grow their organic reach. However, like every other social networking website, your content must be impactful and informative in order to get viral on LinkedIn. The posts that you publish on LinkedIn are also unique from what you post on Face book, Instagram, or Twitter.  In LinkedIn, you will repost your blog content as an article instead of sharing the link to the blog. If you are representing your brand on LinkedIn, make sure to update the profile accordingly. Write a very clear “About Me” section highlighting your position and the brand values. Add the skills sections with a relevant list of skills that you possess. Ask the clients you’ve worked with to write testimonials for you and frequently share organizations news and updates on your LinkedIn profile.   3) Increase Engagement on LinkedIn
Slide 6 - In today's ever-evolving digital marketing world, engaging consumers via digital content is best key to raising awareness and boosting engagement. Content that engages with consumers improves their experience; interactive content is the best way to achieve this! Content marketing allows digital marketers to target individuals and brands with personalized, high-quality data.    4) SEO boost-up through an increase in Interactive Content
Slide 7 - Consistency is needed for search engine optimizations and content marketing. Content that is new, creative, and distinctive, is quickly indexed and ranks better than content that is low-value and repetitive. Since 95% of audience only look at the first page of search results, it’s worthwhile to optimize your content. Many visitors will not view your content if it appears on the second or subsequent pages. Your content should be able to both entice and solve a problem for your consumer. By using essential keywords and focusing on certain visitors, you can make unique and persuasive content. This is the most important aspect in determining a page’s relevancy and ranking. The key to recognized content is brainstorming unique concepts and incorporating the very important keywords. Search engine optimization and content marketing are not two separate entities. Each of them, in fact, needs one another. Content marketing is only impactful or effective if it’s SEO-friendly. When SEO and content marketing work together, they are a force to be reckoned with. 5) High-quality search engine optimization
Slide 8 - Thanks