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Journal Writing and Art Therapy PowerPoint Presentation

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Journal Writing and Art Therapy Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - 1 Journal Writing and Art Therapy
Slide 2 - 2 Journal Writing Benefits of writing in a journal Journal writing tips Techniques for journaling
Slide 3 - 3 Benefits of Journal Writing Release of emotions ‘Writing meditation’ Self-awareness Ownership of feelings Honesty with self Demonstrates growth Reflecting about the past
Slide 4 - 4 Physical Benefits of Journaling Decreased physician visits Decreased absenteeism at work Improved general health Improved perceived health Immune functioning related to emotional expression
Slide 5 - 5 9 Components of Journaling Self-awareness Self-improvement Privacy Clear thinking Stress Relief Memory building and learning from past experiences View emotions from a distance Enhances friendship Therapeutic effects
Slide 6 - 6 Journal Writing Tips Confidentiality Relax Try different techniques Location Let thoughts flow
Slide 7 - 7 Techniques For Journaling The Buzan style Dream journal Unsent letters Third person ‘The Child Within’ Dialogues Prompts Lists Autobiography Free-form
Slide 8 - 8 Art Therapy
Slide 9 - 9 Art therapy is based on the belief that the creative process involved in the making of art is healing and life-enhancing. ---American Art Therapy Association
Slide 10 - 10 Benefits of Art Therapy Self-awareness Expression of emotions Use of a visual language Utilize creative potential
Slide 11 - 11 Uses and Applications Health, Illness and Disease Creativity and making sense of illness Strengthens positive feelings and alleviates distress Illuminates insights gained through coping with illness
Slide 12 - 12 Uses and Applications Depression Children and adolescents Individuals with impaired speech Body image & eating disorders The elderly People who are dying Adults Increased self-awareness
Slide 13 - 13 Types of Media Used All types of art supplies Thematic art Free-expression Interpretation of symbols Use of color