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Looping Statements in C Sharp PowerPoint Presentation

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Looping Statements in C Sharp Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Loop Constructs in C# http://www.programmingsguru.com/article/loop-constructs-in-csharp-24
Slide 2 - The loop constructs is used to execute a block of code until the condition is satisfied. Loop constructs in C#, restrict the programmer for writing same line multiple times which is repetitive in nature. eg: writing "ProgrammingsGuru" five times by Console.WriteLine, here we can use looping construct for display this.
Slide 3 - While Loop : It's execute a block of statements for a definite number of times, depending on the condition. While loop checks the condition before executing the block of statements.  Syntax: initialization while(condition) {   yourstatements;   increment/decrement; }
Slide 4 - Do..While Loop : It's execute a block of statements for a definite number of times. Do...While loop treats same as while loop but only differences between Do...While and While loop is do while executes at least one time. Syntax : initialization do {    yourstatements;    increment/decrement; }  while(condition);
Slide 5 - For loop : For loop is another powerful looping construct in C#. It also execute a block of statements for a definite number of times. For loop includes all three characteristics as initialization, termination and increment/decrement in a single line. Syntax : for(initialization; condition; increment/decrement) {   yourstatements; }
Slide 6 - Nested for loop : A loop within a loop is called nested loop. It can be n number of times. Syntax : for(initialization; condition; increment/decrement) {   for(initialization; condition; increment/decrement)   {      yourstatements;   } }
Slide 7 - Foreach : Foreach loop is a different kind of looping constructs in C#. It takes value one by one and then processes them. Syntax : foreach (string name in arr)  {     yourstatements;  }
Slide 8 - For more article, tutorials visit http://www.programmingsguru.com
Slide 9 - https://plus.google.com/u/0/106132290230951995384/posts https://www.facebook.com/programmings4you https://twitter.com/programingsguru