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What is the Authors Purpose Rockingham County Schools PowerPoint Presentation

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Slide 1 - What is the Author’s Purpose? Entertain Persuade Inform Test Yourself
Slide 2 - kbumreading@yahoo.com AUTHOR’S PURPOSE What was the author’s most likely reason for writing this selection? to persuade to inform to entertain Which statement from the selection most likely reflects the author’s purpose in writing this selection? Why did the author most likely write these words/this phrase ___ in ___? (in italics, in bold, all capital letters, in brackets, etc) Why did the author most likely include (a list of ingredients, a graphic, statements in parentheses, a picture, etc.)
Slide 3 - kbumreading@yahoo.com When an Author Wants to Entertain… To entertain is to tell a funny story or to tell what a person or place is like in an interesting or funny way. You usually read something entertaining for fun. Examples of entertaining books/stories: Charlotte’s Web Holes Cinderella Main Page
Slide 4 - kbumreading@yahoo.com When an Author Wants to Inform… To inform is to teach a lesson or to show how to make something. You usually read something informational to learn more about a certain subject. Examples of informational books/text: Non-fiction books News stories in a newspaper or magazine Encyclopedias and other reference books Main Page
Slide 5 - kbumreading@yahoo.com When an Author Wants to Persuade… The author is trying to make the reader agree with something important. The author wants to persuade you to see their point of view. Examples of persuasive writing: Editorials in a newspaper/magazine speeches Main Page
Slide 6 - kbumreading@yahoo.com Now it’s Your Turn! Directions: Read each selection and choose whether it is entertaining, informational, or persuasive. 1. Recess is definitely too short. In order to do better in regular classes, there should be at least one hour recess twice a day. entertain inform persuade 2. Toads and frogs are amphibians. Missouri has 25 species and subspecies (or geographic races) of toads and frogs. entertain inform persuade 3. Once upon a time, there lived a crazy teacher. She never assigned homework and had field trips every day. entertain inform persuade Main Page
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