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WHAT DO HEART CONSULTANTS DO? Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - What Do Heart Consultants Do? heart consultants Dayton
Slide 2 - Heart consultants are specialists you go to when you have a heart condition or issue. They can either work at a hospital, or have their own practice. They may also work together with other specialists, including dieticians, trainers, surgeons, nurses, etc. There are many responsibilities that a heart consultant fulfills, such as: There are many responsibilities that a heart consultant fulfills, such as:
Slide 3 - Devising treatment and management plans for heart conditions. Providing support and rehabilitation to patients with heart conditions. Improving the life of their patients through their treatment and management plans. Refer their patients to other specialists or surgeons when needed.
Slide 4 - These were a few duties of heart consultants. If you’re looking for heart consultants Dayton, get in touch with Dayton Cardiology and Vascular Consultants.
Slide 5 - Dayton Cardiology and Vascular Consultants 6635 Centerville Business Pkwy, Dayton, OH 45459, United States Address: Contact: (937)951-2016 Office Timings Monday – Friday 8 am – 5 pm