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Things To Know About Silicone Breast Implant PowerPoint Presentation

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Things To Know About Silicone Breast Implant Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Things To Know About Silicone Breast Implant
Slide 2 - Introduction The first step in your breast augmentation surgery is selecting the proper breast implant. The final decision is made by your surgeon. Yet, learning about the many types of breast implants might help you become more active in the process. Silicone breast implants are the most popular choice among patients and surgeons alike. Why do these breast implants outperform other types of implant materials? We'll figure it out. This blog will explain why silicone breast implants are superior to alternative breast implant materials.
Slide 3 - The benefits of silicone breast implants are detailed here 1. Lightweight Silicone breast implants feel lighter than traditional breast implants. This feature is especially important for working women. 2. Maintains shape Because silicone breast implants are lightweight, they are less impacted by gravity than saline breast implants. As a result, they do not wrinkle. Also, the cohesive silicone gel remains firm, preserving the form of the breasts. The majority of silicone implants are pear-shaped. This is the classic look of breasts. A silicone implant is pre-filled with silicone gel to the extent of 80%. Due to the residual space in the implant, gravity causes the gel to collect in the bottom region. This keeps the breasts' natural teardrop shape. Hence, if you want your breast implants to look completely natural, silicone is the way to go. This is because saline implants are completely spherical and appear artificial.
Slide 4 - 3. Strong grasp Silicone breast implants have a strong grip. This characteristic is enhanced in textured breast implants. Scar tissue can form over the spikes in these modified silicone implants. As a result, it creates a strong attachment. This considerably reduces the possibility of rotation, ensuring that the implant remains precisely in position. 4. Comfortable Most women who choose saline breast implants report a continual sensation of saline water sloshing within the implant. This swirling of saline is frequently visible. This results in humiliating situations in public. Breast implant silicone ensures stability. As a result, it is more comfortable and convenient. Breast implants made of silicone are designed to be flexible. This indicates that it is an option that is appropriate for a wide range of people. Silicone implants are an option for people who have little or no native breast tissue. This is not true of saline breast implants. As a result, women who have had a mastectomy or transwomen who are having gender reassignment surgery can choose silicone breast implants. Therefore, even when natural breasts are missing, the look is entirely natural!
Slide 5 - Can silicone breast implants cause complications? The only issue with this implant is a silent rupture. To mitigate the impacts, the FDA has issued new guidelines for these implants. Ladies who choose these implants must have frequent breast examinations under the supervision of their surgeon. It must be performed every 2-3 years. MRIs must be performed at each check-up to detect any silent rupture.
Slide 6 - Why Us? Our cutting-edge technology offers the greatest possible outcome for your breast implant operation. Dr V. S. Rathore, who has nearly two decades of experience in this field, leads our acclaimed team of breast surgeons. Contact us today if you have any questions about silicone breast implants.
Slide 7 - Contact Us Phone9831662311 Emailinfo@kaayakalp.com Website https://drvsrathore.com/ AddressP-158, C.I.T. Road, Kankurgachi Scheme VI M, Kolkata 700 054