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The Study of Bacteria PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Susan Hollingsworth Aaron Kaiser Biology 110 Lab # smh092404 Bacteriology Lab
Slide 2 - Purpose: To observe multiple environments that harbor bacterial growth and determine which environment under investigation is most conducive to bacterial growth Environments under investigation: air soil washed/unwashed hands door handle of men’s bathroom raw chicken pond water
Slide 3 - Hypothesis: Pond Water largest and most diverse population of bacteria due to a vast array of living and decomposing organisms that are vulnerable to bacterial colonization aquatic medium that receives sunlight (some bacteria are photosynthetic) exposed to air which transports bacterial spores.
Slide 4 - Materials: 7 sterile Petri dishes with nutrient agar Wax pencil 9 bacterial inoculating loops Sterile cotton swab Piece of raw chicken Soil sample Pond water sample Hand soap Sterile water Parafilm strips Light microscope Dissecting microscope incubator
Slide 5 - Method: Label each Petri dish “Air” sample Use Streak Plate method to apply sample (a) (b) (c) Figure 1. Isolating bacterial colonies using the “Streak Plate” method.
Slide 6 - Data Interpretations: Unwashed/Washed hand sample Recover dish labeled “air.” Wrap cultures with Parafilm and incubate upside down for 1 week. The Petri dishes will be analyzed by using colony morphology characteristics to see which one has the most species of bacteria. This will be accomplished by identifying and tabulating the number of different colonies present in each sample.
Slide 7 - Table 1. Bacteria colony morphology: Air Fig. 2 Bacteria present in Air environemnt
Slide 8 - Table 2. Bacteria colony morphology: Chicken Table 3. Bacteria colony morphology: Soil Fig 3. Bacteria found on Chicken environment Fig 4. Bacteria found on soil environment
Slide 9 - Table 5. Bacteria colony morphology: washed hand Fig 5. Bacteria found on washed and unwashed hand environments
Slide 10 - Table 4. Bacteria colony morphology: unwashed hand
Slide 11 - Table 6. Bacteria colony morphology: pond water Fig 7. Bacteria found on pond water environment
Slide 12 - Table 7. Bacteria colony morphology: Men’s bathroom door Fig 8. Bacteria found on bathroom door environment
Slide 13 - Side Study: Effect of Antibiotics on E. coli growth Fig 9. E coli growth among antibiotics