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The Split brain Phenomena PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional The Split brain Phenomena powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on The Split brain Phenomena in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - The split-brain phenomenon
Slide 2 - background Remember that the corpus callosum, a huge set of axons, connects the two hemispheres Also, severe epilepsy has caused its victims and the physicians dedicated to help them, to take drastic measures, including, on rare occasions, severing the corpus callosum While the procedure slowed the epilepsy…
Slide 3 - Neurophysiology aspects 1. Each hemisphere controls the muscles on the other side of the body 2. This curious fact even extends to how we see the world through our two retinas 3. The left side of each retina sees the right side of the world and is then routed to the left hemisphere
Slide 4 - Neurophys cont. 4. The right side of each retina sees the left side of the world and then goes to the right hemisphere 5. For 95% of us, our left hemisphere controls our ability to speak, while our right is mute
Slide 5 - More neurophys 6. For those of us who have an intact corpus callosum, fact #5 means little since our hemispheres easily communicate 7. But for those rare individuals whose corpus callosum has been severed ….
Slide 6 - Split-brain effect Without an intact corpus callosum, we could see an object ( a cat) to our left (with the image being sent to our right hemisphere) and not be able to tell someone what it was Our right hemisphere is always mute and now lacks any connection with the chatty left hemisphere
Slide 7 - Stranger yet …. But, amazingly, while the split-brain individual says, “I have no idea what that is”, he would be grasping a miniature cat in his left hand! Now, with two independent hemispheres, do we have two separate planes of consciousness?