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The Ramayana PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional The Ramayana powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on The Ramayana in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

The uploader spent his/her valuable time to create this The Ramayana powerpoint presentation slides, to share his/her useful content with the world. This ppt presentation uploaded by worldwideweb in Education & Training ppt presentation category is available for free download,and can be used according to your industries like finance, marketing, education, health and many more.

About This Presentation

Slide 1 - The Ramayana Mr. Asad @ The Hawken School
Slide 2 - Bell Work or Warm Up Imagine yourself a writer of great repute. Write a proposal to your publisher about your latest magnum opus (great work). It shall be an epic! Answer the following “W” questions as your publisher grills you on them: Who are the main characters? What is your epic about? When does this tale take place? Where does it happen (location)? All this in just two paragraphs or half a page!
Slide 3 - Objectives To understand the broad themes in the Ramayana, and how these relate to our cultural context and other cultural epics.
Slide 4 - India
Slide 5 - Languages of India
Slide 6 - Dravidian India
Slide 7 - Harappa Culture
Slide 8 - Aryan Invasion
Slide 9 - The Languages of India
Slide 10 - Ramayana
Slide 11 - Regional Ramayana Northern Ramayana has a duplicate for Sita (for when she is kidnapped) Northern: Rama is emphasized as the incarnation of Vishnu. Tamil Ramayana: Ravana is not as cruel to Sita
Slide 12 - Project On your tablets go to www.HistoryAsad.com Click on “Ramayana” on the top menu You will be divided into groups
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