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THE QUEST FOR EQUAL RIGHTS PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - THE QUEST FOR EQUAL RIGHTS How African Americans achieved the rights and due process taken for granted by other Americans
Slide 2 - African Americans had to struggle for equal rights against great odds. Demanding equal rights could cost you not only your house or your job,but also your life. African Americans and Caucasians lost their lives to achieve equal rights for all citizens. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored people believed the best way to achieve equality was through integration. The strategy was to achieve integration through the courts. The NAACP refused to take any case that accepted Separate but Equal schools.
Slide 3 - Early Supreme Court cases did not further the cause of equal rights for African Americans. In 1857 The court ruled that once a slave always a slave. Dred Scott vs. Sanford. Plessy vs Ferguson 1896 the Supreme Court ruled that separate but equal accommodations were legal in the United States.
Slide 4 - Brown vs. The Board of Education. Does Linda Brown have the right to attend her neighborhood school?
Slide 5 - The Little Rock Nine. Nine African American students attempt to enter the Caucasian high school. The violence by the Caucasian parents and students was so intense they had to be protected by the National Guard