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The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln By Stacey Schmiederer Computers 8-4
Slide 2 - Menu Who was involved? What were the reasons? When and where did it occur? What were the consequences? Interesting Facts Bibliography
Slide 3 - Who was involved? There were quite a few people involved in the killing of Abraham Lincoln. Obviously Abraham Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth. These people were all at the play. Abe’s wife Mary Todd Lincoln, 28 year old officer named Henry R. Rathbone, and Rathbone’s fiancée- Clara Harris. Also Lewis Paine who was Booth’s accomplice. William Henry Steward who was Lincoln’s Secretary of state. That’s who was involved in the killing.
Slide 4 - What were the reasons? Here are the reasons that John Wilkes Booth killed Abraham Lincoln. Well, Lincoln represented everything Booth was against. Booth blamed Lincoln for all the South’s ills. He wanted revenge. So first booth planned to capture Lincoln at a play in a hospital located outside of Washington. Lincoln ended up changing his plans and stayed in the capital. Therefore Booth’s plot to capture Lincoln failed. Booth was at Lincoln’s speech two days later about voting rights to be granted to certain blacks. Boot was mad. Now Booth’s plans turned to assassination.
Slide 5 - When and where did it occur? Here is where and when it happened. The killing occurred on the evening of April 14, 1865. It happened at a performance comedy called “Our American Cousin” at Fords Theater. That’s when Abraham Lincoln died.
Slide 6 - What were the consequences of the event? Here are the consequences of the event. Well, first of all Lincoln died. And we lost a President. When Booth jumped off the balcony, he shattered a bone in his leg. That same week Booth was shot to death by Sergeant Boston Corbett. Those are the consequences of the event.
Slide 7 - Interesting Facts Here are some interesting facts. Abraham Lincoln was 6ft- 4in and 180 pounds. He was only 56 years old when he died. In Springfield Abe met Mary Todd. 3 years later he married her. Over the next 11 years they had 4 children. That’s some interesting facts.
Slide 8 - Bibliography Websites: Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/alhtml/alrintr.html, September 20, 2005 Overview of John Wilkes Booth, http://home.att.net/~rjnorton/Lincoln75.html, September 21, 2005 Overview of Abraham Lincoln’s Life http://home.att.net/~rjnorton/Lincoln77.html, September 26, 2005 Legends http://www.snopes.com/history/american/linckenn.htm, September 26, 2005 Pictures: Abraham Lincoln, hierographics.org/.../ yourhistoryonlineVI.htm, September 21, 2005 Booth shooting Lincoln, http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/alhtml/alrintr.html, September 20, 2005 John Wilkes Booth, members.aol.com/RVSNorton/, September 22, 2005 Abe Lincoln Statue, freedom.greatnet.us/ lincmem.htm, September 22, 2005 Abe Lincoln www.abelincoln.com/ cliffhangers/sc-22.htm, September 26, 2005 Mary Todd Lincoln library.thinkquest.org/ TQ0312172/fllincoln.html, September 27, 2005