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Synthetic Biology (OpenWetWare) PowerPoint Presentation

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Synthetic Biology (OpenWetWare) Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Synthetic Biology Lecture 1: Introduction to Synthetic Biology
Slide 2 - What is Synthetic Biology? Genetic Manipulation? Genetic selection carried out for millenia (domestication of animals) Mendelian selection ‘rationalized’ process. Recombinant DNA
Slide 3 - Engineering Goal: To build components that can be reliably and predictably assembled into ever more complicated systems
Slide 4 - ppt slide no 4 content not found
Slide 5 - Fumbling Around Current Systems are “Art”
Slide 6 - Recombinant DNA
Slide 7 - Genetic Tools
Slide 8 - Scissors
Slide 9 - Glue
Slide 10 - Vectors
Slide 11 - Synthesizing DNA
Slide 12 - These are Tools, but…
Slide 13 - We want to create complex systems
Slide 14 - EE in the beginning
Slide 15 - How useful is Maxwell?
Slide 16 - Abstraction Works for E&M
Slide 17 - Composability OK - suppose we have individual parts that work, can we actually put them together such that they work in a well-defined/predictable way?
Slide 18 - Standardization Assembly Part “Definition” Interactions Load Input/Output Stability
Slide 19 - Standardizing a “Part” BioBrick - standard ends, restrictions on internal sequence
Slide 20 - Standard Assembly
Slide 21 - Standard Assembly
Slide 22 - Now we can share!
Slide 23 - What constitutes a part? The DNA Sequence? The function?
Slide 24 - Parts: Basic biological functions encoded as DNA
Slide 25 - DNA Sequence TAATACGACTCACTATAGGGAGA (T7 promoter)
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Slide 27 - Load: Imposing on our Hosts Parts don’t exist in a vacuum. Cells may dislike the parts, resulting in mutation or rejection Too much modification may result in cells that just give up and die
Slide 28 - Standard Measurement
Slide 29 - Our Parts aren’t necessarily Stable Anything that adds load to a cell reduces its fitness vs. cells that ‘lose’ the part Mutations: Losing a plasmid, alteration of promoters to not work as efficiently (or not at all) Antibiotic resistance, dependence
Slide 30 - Application Goals Bacterial robotics Microbial factories Adding features to plants to reduce environmental requirements/impact
Slide 31 - Cancer Destroying Robot
Slide 32 - Adding Computation to Cells
Slide 33 - Bacterial Communication Networks
Slide 34 - Artemisinin
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Slide 38 - Public Policy http://www.repeatfanzine.co.uk/Images/Impage/no%20gmo.jpg
Slide 39 - Is the fear so Irrational? We claim we can make all sorts of cool things, why not something ‘evil’?
Slide 40 - Major Risks
Slide 41 - What is different now? Rapid Sequencing Lots of sequence data on the internet Protocols available online Fedex Synthesis Data on Pathogens?
Slide 42 - The good news Major weaponized biological agents have existed for decades Virulence, resistance, transmissibility were all enhanced prior to SB. The major advantage of our approach is putting together well characterized components. Creating new pathogens would require a full scale research effort
Slide 43 - Summary Engineering instead of Science Modularity and Abstraction are powerful techniques Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering were all at the stage where it was “too complicated”.