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Story Of Antioxidants and Health PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Story Of Antioxidants and Health powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Story Of Antioxidants and Health in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Overview: Water, Vitamins & Minerals Meeting you need for water Why important? How much do you need? What increases your need? Vitamins and Minerals Group Worksheet
Slide 2 - Water – Most important nutrient for survival Can only survive a 2-7 days without water No capacity to store extra water Body weight is approx 45-75% water 2/3 of water inside cells 1/3 of water is between cells and in blood
Slide 3 - Functions of Water Needed to carry nutrients to cells and waste products away from cells The medium in which many chemical reactions take place within our body Helps body regulate temperature. Water has a high heat capacity Will releases heat in perspiration
Slide 4 - How much do you need? AI for total water (beverages and food) is: Men = 3.7 liters Women = 2.7 liters Body weight divided by 2 = oz. of fluids/day Fatigue is first sign of dehydration Thirst can masquerade as hunger Less likely to adjust calorie intake from high sugar drinks (soda, juice, energy drinks)
Slide 5 - Sugared Drinks Study: 4 weeks -consumed 450 calories of jelly beans. 4 weeks - consumed 450 calories of soda Results: Jellybean days, participants compensated by eating approximately 450 less calories Soda days, participants didn’t compensate.
Slide 6 - What increases your water needs? High amounts of protein, fiber, sodium & alcohol Strenuous work, athlete, hot weather Airplane travel High altitude and low cabin humidity SF to NY you lose 4-6 c. of water
Slide 7 - Water Balance Body carefully controls water balance Fluid intakes low: Kidneys excrete small volume of concentrated, yellow urine Fluid levels adequate: Kidneys excrete large volumes of dilute, very light yellow urine You will feel better and perform better when adequately hydrated
Slide 8 - Bottled vs. Tap Water Bottled water Regulated by FDA Tested infrequently Filtered municipal water (Dasani, Aquafina) If use, recycle bottle Tap water Regulated by EPA Tested many times/day Filtered tap water is best!