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SOCIAL MARKETING STEPS PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - National Training Collaborative for Social Marketing Session Two Overview of Social Marketing
Slide 2 - Session Objectives Define Social Marketing Name five distinctive features of the social marketing approach Name the steps that comprise the social marketing process
Slide 3 - Definition of Social Marketing “Social Marketing is the application of commercial marketing technologies to the analysis, planning, execution, and evaluation of programs designed to influence the voluntary behavior of target audiences in order to improve their personal welfare and that of their society” -Andreasen
Slide 4 - Distinctive Features Consumer orientation Use commercial marketing technologies and theory Voluntary behavior change Targets specific audiences Focus is on personal welfare and that of society
Slide 5 - Potential Applications Increase utilization rates Improve client satisfaction Improve job satisfaction Enhance compliance
Slide 6 - Traditional Approaches Top down planning Expert driven Education Persuasion Behavioral modification
Slide 7 - Traditional Approaches Focusing on the “hard to reach” leads to these questions: What is wrong with them? Why don’t they understand this? Why won’t they do what we are telling them to do?
Slide 8 - Social Marketing Mind Set What is wrong with our programs? What do we need to offer them to offset their costs? What would make our product more attractive than the competition?
Slide 9 - Consumer Orientation Understand consumers’ perceptions Benefits Barriers Self efficacy Social norms
Slide 10 - Exchange Theory Exchange time and money for benefits Make an attractive offer Create an awareness that the problem exists Demonstrate the product’s benefits Help lower the price
Slide 11 - Competition They can go somewhere else They can do something else They must find your offer more attractive
Slide 12 - Data Based Decision Making Know your audience: what they want and need Identify the specific BEHAVIOR to promote Identify factors that influence their behavior Design effective interventions
Slide 13 - Willingness to Change the Offer Committed to designing products consumers want Committed to modifying services Committed to monitoring their wants and needs
Slide 14 - Interdisciplinary Approach Commercial marketing Social anthropology Behavioral psychology Communication theory Education
Slide 15 - The Four P’s Product Place Price Promotion
Slide 16 - Product What we’re offering people: Commodity (tangible good or service) Idea Attitude Behavior Service
Slide 17 - Product Must Be: Solution to a problem Unique Cognizant of the competition Defined in terms of the user’s beliefs, practices, and values
Slide 18 - Price The cost of adopting the product: Money Time Pleasure Loss of self esteem Embarrassment Others
Slide 19 - Place or Channels Where tangible products are purchased Where service is provided Media aspect Delivery of message Frame of mind Where people will act
Slide 20 - Important Considerations for Place: Available Easy to find and use Appropriate Timely
Slide 21 - Place Where Decisions Are Made Healthcare settings Family / Friends Advertising reminders
Slide 22 - Promotion Creation of educational messages that are memorable and persuasive Message design elements Type of appeal Tone Spokesperson Aperture
Slide 23 - Politics Consider secondary and tertiary audiences
Slide 24 - Six Traditional Steps Initial planning Formative research Strategy formation Program development Program implementation Tracking and evaluation
Slide 25 - Initial Planning Use existing data Use planning model to make preliminary decisions Sources of existing data Form estimates
Slide 26 - Formative Research Identify potential target audiences Determine differences between groups Understand consumers’ wants and needs Identify factors that influence behavior
Slide 27 - Strategy Development Select target audiences Set behavioral objectives for each segment Design interventions to address behavioral determinants
Slide 28 - Comprehensive Strategy Product strategy Pricing strategy Placement strategy
Slide 29 - Message Design Guidelines Audience: to whom the message is addressed? Behavioral objective: what you are asking them to do? Benefits: what they will get if they do it? How can you support the promise?
Slide 30 - Campaign Development Materials development and pretesting Professional training materials Develop system for monitoring and tracking progress
Slide 31 - Program Implementation Coordination Sustainability Training and motivation Distribution of materials Dissemination of information
Slide 32 - Tracking and Evaluation Collect information on project progress Use tracking information to make needed mid-course revisions Assess program impact and cost-effectiveness Use findings to identify new problems that require replanning
Slide 33 - Summary It uses a systematic model to plan effective interventions Based on understanding the consumer Behavior is the bottom line Decisions based on data
Slide 34 - Programs You Are Planning To Implement Target audience: who do you hope to reach? Behavioral objectives: what will you help them to do? Behavioral determinants: what influences their behavior? Interventions: what activities will you design and implement?
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