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Sexually Transmitted Diseases IVCC Illinois Valley PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Slide 2 - A Plague of Epic Proportions Worldwide  400 million new cases/year The U.S.  15 million/year Hits the 15-25 age group hardest ¼ by 21! Teen women  gonorrhea & Chlamydia Genital warts and Aids are huge threats Pelvic Inflammatory Disease a frequent consequence
Slide 3 - The Biggest Threats? Aids/HIV  deadly and dreaded But other STDs, especially Chlamydia and genital warts are more prevalent
Slide 4 - Why the Epidemic? An explosion of risk behaviors multiple partners unprotected sex Oral contraceptive use increase susceptibility decrease condom use
Slide 5 - More Reasons Public Health failures meager access to prevention/treatment MDs don’t ask enough questions Symptoms are often latent Shame
Slide 6 - Chlamydia An urogenital infection caused by the bacteria chlamydia trachomatis Very common and dangerous Increase of 400% from ’87 to ’99 3-5 million new cases in US each year Teens suffer the highest infection rates Oral contraceptives & douching increase Often transmitted through fingers
Slide 7 - Chlamydia Symptoms Two types One infects the lower reproductive tract with just mild burning The other manifests as a PID of the upper reproductive tract, infecting the uterus, fallopian tubes or ovaries
Slide 8 - Common PID Consequences For women: disrupted menstrual periods chronic low back and pelvic pain fever/nausea/headaches Salpingitis infertility and entopic pregnancies IUDs to be ineffective For men: epididymis and urethra infections
Slide 9 - If that wasn’t enough For many, the symptoms are not noticeable, can spread unknowingly Also causes Trachoma, the world’s leading cause of preventable blindness Many other effects on infants Fortunately, easily treated with Doxycycline and Azithromycin
Slide 10 - Herpes The most common viral STD Two types of interest: HSV-1 usually lesions or sores on mouth (cold sores) HSV-2 lesions on and around the genitals
Slide 11 - How Bad is it? Huge #s HSV-1  100 million HSV-2  50 million With 1 million new cases a year 20-25% US adults over 12 Unprotected sex with multiple partners? Guaranteed Exposure
Slide 12 - Transmission Both types can be spread through a variety of ways oral sex can spread either type recently many cases of genital herpes arose from HSV-1 rather than HSV-2
Slide 13 - The Horror of Viral Shedding While victims with sores can easily spread the infection, HSV can be transmitted even in the absence of symptoms through “viral shedding” Many spread HSV without even knowing that they are infected Condoms provide some, but not complete, protection Fingers can spread the virus
Slide 14 - Symptoms HSV2 2-14 day incubation 20 days of symptoms: one or more small, painful red bumps or “papules” in the genital areas or around the anus
Slide 15 - It gets worse The papules fill with nasty infectious particles permeating pus They burst to form red, ringed sores The sores crust and heal but can still infect someone for another 10 days Other symptoms can be present also
Slide 16 - As for HSV1 Papules form on the lips, and occasionally on the inside of the mouth, tongue, or throat Crust over and heal within 10-16 days Other symptoms – fever, muscle aches, flu like maladies, bleeding in the mouth
Slide 17 - Recurrence The infection retreats up nerve fibers where it can lie dormant, perhaps permanently Usually though, it flares up periodically with less severe symptoms and a more rapid course Prodromal symptoms warn of eruption and ability to infect others
Slide 18 - Factors which Trigger Recurrences Emotional stress Anxiety Depression Fever Ultraviolet light Menstruation Fatigue
Slide 19 - Complications Few for men, but for women: 1) Cervical cancer, rare but still calls for an annual Pap smear. 2) Infection of a newborn viral shedding can cause infection as the child passes through the birth canal cesarean delivery prevents the severe danger to the child
Slide 20 - Treatment of Herpes Currently nothing can cure herpes Three Antiviral drugs help manage it Two treatment strategies: Suppressive – take daily to prevent Episodic – to minimize an outbreak Neither eliminates viral shedding
Slide 21 - Genital Warts Viral warts, caused by the virus human papillomavirus (HPV) which appear on the genitals 40 million victims in North America Five million new cases/year
Slide 22 - Top This “Most sexually active people will get HPV.” Recent survey – 27% of all women, 44% between 20 & ? Even condoms fail to protect! Most commonly spread by the asymptomatic!
Slide 23 - A Disgusting Sight, Usually First appear 3 weeks to 8 months after contact Women  usually on the bottom of the vaginal opening Men  throughout the penis Can appear on the anus In moist areas – pink/red, soft cauliflower Dry – hard, yellow/grey
Slide 24 - But Then Again Many, probably most, do not develop visible symptoms despite infection In other words, you can’t see it, but you can certainly get it From any one of 40+million people
Slide 25 - Complications Bleeding & obstruction of the urethra Association with various cancers Account for 85-90% of attributable risk for cervical cancer. Can be transmitted to infants at birth
Slide 26 - Treatment (?) Nothing has been shown to remove or prevent recurrence Freezing is 60-70% effective More aggressive treatments such as surgical removal can cause serious side effects Perhaps vaccines will, some day, help prevent infection