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RICER and Bandages-Wikispaces PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - RICER and Bandages RICER is another acronym that is used in First Aid. The RICER aspect of First Aid is used to treat soft tissue injuries. Today we will be looking at what RICER means and how to treat soft tissue injuries.
Slide 2 - Signs and Symptoms The signs and symptoms of a soft tissue injury include: Pain, especially on movement Swelling Bruising Reduced movement or power Tenderness
Slide 3 - RICER R – Rest I – Ice C – Compression E – Elevation R – Referral
Slide 4 - Rest When a soft tissue injury occurs the injured part must be rested. They should not even walk off the field or court where the injury occurred. They should be carried off if possible. They then should avoid using the injured part for 48-72 hours following the injury.
Slide 5 - Ice The injured part should be iced for 20 minutes every 2 hours, for the first 48-72 hours. It is important to never apply ice directly to the skin, it should always be wrapped in a wet towel or cloth.
Slide 6 - Compression Compression should be applied below, over and above the injury. A firm elastic roller bandage should be used if possible. When applying a bandage, for example on the ankle, the anchor point should be where the Achilles tendon meets the calf.
Slide 7 - Applying the Bandage Example…an injury to an ankle Make sure you take their shoe off Anchor the bandage to the leg Apply bandage in a figure 8 – go around the top, under the heel and back over. Foot must be kept at a right angle.
Slide 8 - Elevation To ensure that swelling does not worsen the injury needs to be elevated. The limb should be elevated above the level of the heart. In general this should be about 50cm above the heart.
Slide 9 - Referral The patient should be referred to the appropriate medical attention. These may include a Doctor or Physiotherapist.
Slide 10 - No HARM Principle When treating a soft tissue injury, there are a few thing that you need to avoid. These are easily remembered by using the ‘No HARM’ Principle.
Slide 11 - No HARM Principle H – No Heat: avoid hot showers, baths, spas, heat packs and heat rubs as this will increase internal bleeding. A – No Alcohol: alcohol increases bleeding and swelling which delays healing and can mask pain and severity. R – No Running: exercise will increase blood flow to the injured part which can delay recovery and potentially will make the injury worse. M – No Massage: massage or heat rubs increases swelling and bleeding.
Slide 12 - Today’s Tasks Complete accompanying “RICER and Bandages” worksheet from your workbook. Practice performing ricer and a soft tissue injury strapping.