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Religious Attitudes to Equal Rights for Women PowerPoint Presentation

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Slide 1 - Religious Attitudes to Equal Rights for Women JHC
Slide 2 - Christian There are three main Christian attitudes to the roles women should play in religion. Different Christians have various reasons for these attitudes. JHC
Slide 3 - Women should have different rights from men. Some Christians teach that women should not be religious leaders. They believe that the role of a woman in religion is to raise a family in a Christian way. Women should be silent in church, which means they cannot be ministers or priests. (Traditional & Roman Catholic) JHC
Slide 4 - Women should have equal rights in religion. Other Christians teach that women can be religious leaders. They believe that the role of a woman is the same as a man. Women can teach in church and be ministers or priests. (Modern, NOT Roman Catholic) JHC
Slide 5 - Women should have equal rights but they re different from men. Some Christians, including Roman Catholics, believe that women are equal to men but have different roles. Although they cannot be priests, women can join a religious community as nuns and they have a variety of roles in the church such as reading, serving and leading children’s services.(RC) JHC
Slide 7 - Muslim There are two main attitudes to equal rights for women in Islam. Both are based on the idea that all Muslims are equal before Allah so all people, male and female are equal. One is not better than the other. JHC
Slide 8 - JHC