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Red Blood Cells PowerPoint Presentation

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Slide 1 - Red Blood Cells Arsalan Yousuf BS 4th Semester
Slide 2 - Main function is to transport hemoglobin. RBCs contain a large quantity of carbonic anhydrase, that catalyzes the reversible reaction between carbon dioxide (CO2) and water to form carbonic acid (H2CO3). CO2 + H2O ------------------ HCO3- + H+ The hemoglobin in the cells is an excellent acid-base buffer. Main Functions of RBCs (Erythrocytes) A blood cell, also called a hematocyte, is a cell produced by haematopoiesis and normally found in blood. In mammals, these fall into three general categories: Red blood cells — Erythrocytes White blood cells — Leukocytes Platelets — Thrombocytes.
Slide 3 - Normal red blood cells are biconcave discs. Have a mean diameter of about 7.8 μm and a thickness of 2.5 μm at the thickest point and 1 μm or less in the center. The average volume of the red blood cell is 90 to 95 μm3. The shapes of red blood cells can change remarkably as the cells squeeze through capillaries. Red blood cells have the ability to concentrate hemoglobin in the cell fluid up to about 34 grams in each 100 milliliters of cells. Size and Shape of RBCs
Slide 4 - Red Blood Cells Production Primitive, nucleated red blood cells are produced in the yolk sac in early embryo. In the middle trimester of gestation, the liver is the main organ for production of red blood cells, but reasonable numbers are also produced in the spleen and lymph nodes. During the last month or so of gestation and after birth, red blood cells are produced exclusively in the bone marrow.
Slide 5 - Genesis of Blood Cells In a healthy adult person 1011–1012 new blood cells are produced daily in order to maintain steady state levels in the peripheral circulation The intermediate-stage cells become committed to a particular line of cells and are called committed stem cells. Growth and reproduction of the stem cells are controlled by proteins called growth inducers e.g. IL3. Differentiation inducers causes one type of committed stem cell to differentiate one or more steps toward a final adult blood cell. Formation of the growth inducers and differentiation inducers is controlled by factors outside the bone marrow.
Slide 6 - Stages of Differentiation During this reticulocyte stage, the cells pass from the bone marrow into the blood capillaries by diapedesis (squeezing through the pores of the capillary membrane).
Slide 7 - Regulation of Red Blood Cell Production—Role of Erythropoietin Tissue Oxygenation-Essential regulator in RBC production. (Anemia) RBC production stimulation by Erythropoietin. (Glycoprotein with a MW of 34,000). 90 per cent of all erythropoietin is formed in the kidneys. Two vitamins, vitamin B12 and folic acid are important for final maturation of the red blood cells.
Slide 8 - Hemoglobin Formation Synthesis of hemoglobin begins in the proerythroblasts and continues even into the reticulocyte stage of the red blood cells. Hemoglobin-A has a molecular weight of 64,458
Slide 9 - The types of hemoglobin chains in the hemoglobin molecule determine the binding affinity of the hemoglobin for oxygen. In sickle cell anemia, the amino acid valine is substituted for glutamic acid at one point in each of the two beta chains.