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Mitosis and the Cell Cycle PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Mitosis and the Cell Cycle Cell reproduction
Slide 2 - Today’s Objectives The student will be able to identify the phases of the cell cycle and mitotic stages by description and or graphic representation. The student will be able to identify mitotic stages by photomicrograph.
Slide 3 - Some Definitions Somatic Cells – body cells Produced through mitosis Has 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) Homolog – each member of a chromosome pair Diploid (2n) – total of 46 chromosomes in people – zygote & somatic cells Haploid (n) – total of 23 chromosomes in people, gametes (sperm & egg)
Slide 4 - The Cell Cycle The sequence of growth and division of a cell. 95% of cell cycle in interphase 5% of cell cycle in mitosis
Slide 5 - Interphase Growth Stage 1 (G1) – metabolic activity of the cell Synthesis Stage (S) – metabolic activity of the cell, replication of DNA Growth Stage 2 (G2) – metabolic activity of the cell, prepare for division
Slide 6 - Mitosis Happens in all cells Cell division process 5 major stages
Slide 7 - Prophase Nuclear envelope disappears Chromosomes condense – can see sister chromatids and centromere Spindle forms
Slide 8 - Metaphase Chromosomes move to the equator of spindle Each chromatid is attached to spindle with centromere
Slide 9 - Anaphase Centromeres split Sister chromatids are pulled apart to opposite poles of the cell Each chromatid is now a separate chromosome
Slide 10 - Telophase Nuclear envelopes (2) reform Chromosomes begin to uncoil
Slide 11 - Cytokinesis Cytoplasm divides Two new daughter cells are now separate