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Listenings Skill PowerPoint Presentation

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Listenings Skill Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - By NIKHIL JOSHI Lecturer in ‘Language & Communication Skills’ IT Dept.-GCET E-mail: nikhiljoshi@gcet.ac.in Blog: www.gcet-languageclub.blogspot.com Listening Skills
Slide 2 - Introduction Almost 45% of time we spend in listening. An essential management and leadership skill. A process of receiving, interpreting and reacting to a message. Difference between listening & hearing
Slide 3 - Types of Listening Appreciative listening Empathetic listening Comprehensive listening Critical listening
Slide 4 - Traits of a Good Listener Being non-evaluative Paraphrasing Reflecting implications Reflecting hidden feelings Inviting further contributions Responding non-verbally
Slide 5 - Active Versus Passive listening Show keenness Expressions Alertness Questions Not neglecting physical aspects Valid reason for criticism
Slide 6 - Implications Good listening helps you to take better decisions and make better policies in organization. On the contrary lack of proper listening can lead to embarrassing situations because of a gap in coordination and understanding.
Slide 7 - Tips for Effective Listening DO’s Be mentally prepared to listen Evaluate the speech not the speaker Be unbiased to the speaker by depersonalizing your feelings Fight distractions by closing off sound sources Be open minded Ask questions to clarify and not to overshadow intelligence Paraphrase from time to time Send appropriate non-verbal signals time to time Don’ts Not to pay undue emphasis on vocabulary as you can use the context to understand the meaning Not to pay too much attention to the accessories and clothing of the speaker Not to prepare your responses while the speaker is speaking Avoid preconceptions and prejudices Not to get distracted by outside influences Not to interrupt too often Not to show boredom
Slide 8 - Conclusion You do not listen with just your ears. You listen with your eyes and with your sense of touch. You listen with your mind, your heart, your imagination. (Egan Gerard) A good conversationalist is popular, a good listener even more so. Talk only if you have something to say.
Slide 9 - T h a n k y o u… nIKHIL jOSHI e-mail: nikhiljoshi@gcet.ac.in nikhileshjoshi@yahoo.co.in My Websites: www.geocities.com/nikhiljoshi/saregama www.nikhiljoshi2007.blogspot.com www.gcet-languageclub.blogspot.com