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Slide 1 - ppt slide no 1 content not found
Slide 2 - by LESSON PLANNING Aneela Israr
Slide 3 - Presentation Outline Introduction Purpose of a lesson plan Four Major Elements of a lesson plan Six common mistakes in writing lesson plans Lesson plan the easy way Characteristics of a good lesson plan
Slide 4 - Advantages of lesson plan Writing lesson plans How to plan Measurement, Assessment & Evaluation in Education Practice lesson planning (Hall display) …Course Outline
Slide 5 - Objectives: By the end of the session the participants will be able to: Explain the process of lesson planning Prepare a lesson plan as per the text book. Demonstrate their understanding of the skills enhanced through the use of the lesson plans. OBJECTIVES OF THE DAY
Slide 6 - …objectives Learn a skill that will help to define you as a teacher. Understand the concept of thinking of a lesson plan as a way of communicating Help new or inexperienced teachers organize content, materials, and methods. An objective is a description of what a student does that forms the basis for making an inference about learning.
Slide 7 - Purpose of a lesson plan: To structure the lesson organize its contents/materials determine method of its delivery assess students’ learning evaluate its application/effectiveness
Slide 8 - FOUR MAJOR ELEMENTS Educational Objectives Content and Appropriate Teaching Activities Preparation of all the Material Monitoring & Assessing Learning
Slide 9 - : Six Common Mistakes In Writing Lesson Plans (AND WHAT TO DO ABOUT THEM)
Slide 10 - Poorly written objectives lead to faulty inferences. The lesson assessment is not connected with the behavior indicated in the objective. Prerequisites are not specified or are inconsistent with the lesson requirements. The materials specified in the lesson are irrelevant to those described learning activities. Teacher’s instructions are inefficient Students activities do not contribute effectively to the lesson objective Tutor’s input: Six common mistakes in LPs
Slide 11 - Lesson Planning The Easy Way
Slide 12 - Lesson Plan the Easy Way The clearer the structure of a lesson and the more precise the directions on what is to be accomplished, the higher the achievement rate.
Slide 13 - FIVE LEVELS OF PLANNING Daily planning … (Teacher) 2. Weekly planning… (Teachers-individually as well as in groups) 3. Unit planning … (Teachers’ Group /Co – ordination) Term planning … Yearly planning …
Slide 14 - … Lesson Plan The Easy Way Characteristics A Good Lesson Plan is based upon previous knowledge. caters to the age level of students. uses motivational techniques includes necessary materials is student centered, flexible, complete, interesting & activity based has proportionate time allocation includes evaluation process h. includes all the essential elements of a lesson plan
Slide 15 - … Lesson Plan The Easy Way Advantages of lesson plan makes the work regular & organized it induces confidence. it saves time promotes learning. it makes conscious for the achievement of objectives. improves results
Slide 16 - … Lesson Plan The Easy Way Writing Lesson Plans The writing of lesson plan has three important Functions: identifies what you expect the students to be able to do by the end of the lesson defines what you intend to do to make that possible keeps you focused on target. acts as a record of what the class has done.
Slide 17 - … Lesson Plan The Easy Way WRITING LESSON PLANS Components of a lesson plan: Topic Resources Objectives Methodology Activity Homework
Slide 18 - EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES …….are the learning outcomes of a lesson i.e. what the students should be able to know or do at the end of the lesson that they could not do at the beginning!
Slide 19 - … EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Specify the new skills that the students will gain as a result of the lesson Focus on student’s (not teacher’s) attainment Determine the degree or criterion for satisfactory attainment of the objectives.
Slide 20 - … EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Setting Objectives What will the learner be able to: Know (concept…cognitive) Do (skill… psychomotor) Feel (behavior, attitude, appreciation or ideas…affective) Each defined objective is matched with: Teaching Method Learning Activities Type of Assessment Note: Relevance is the essential quality of the educational objectives
Slide 21 - Activity # 2 :EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES Objectives should be SMART: Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time bound Write SMART Objectives for: English & Urdu: Comprehension Creative writing Grammar Literature – summary , RTC. Mathematics Science Social studies Library
Slide 22 - ROLE OF LEARNING MATERIALS Defines Instructional Objectives Sets Tasks to Attain Objectives Informs Learners of Tasks they have to Perform Provides Guidance and Practice Provides Feedback on Retention of acquired Skills Makes the teaching effective. Supplies concrete basis for conceptual thinking. Makes learning permanent
Slide 23 - Teaching Materials / Resources A. COURSE BOOKS B. SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS: 1. Teacher’s book 2. Work book
Slide 24 - C. SUPPORTING MATERIAL: 1. Audio Materials 2. Visual materials 3. Audio-visual materials. 4. Multi media
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Slide 29 - WRITING LESSON PLANS Methodology - Specify Timings of each of these steps: (40/80 minutes) Settling time Introduction Previous Knowledge Presentation – Brainstorming / Discussion / teacher’s Input Practice (Students output) – CW. Oral / Written Home Work Assessment – Test / worksheets
Slide 30 - Any teaching Item has three stages METHOD Presentation Practice Production
Slide 31 - Method Presentation of the Items involves Preparing class making sure the concept is absolutely clear to student giving the model example of the item Practice the Teaching Item involves: repetition/ drilling Dialogue / discussion Worksheets
Slide 32 - Production of the Teaching items: Involves: Role play Games / dialogue etc Practicing the item Assessment …METHODS
Slide 33 - …WRITING LESSON PLANS Activities: Daily – Life application of the concept Type & nature of activities: individual / group work reading project / art work / model making role play presentations charts / maps practical work etc.
Slide 34 - ROLE OF ACTIVITIES source of motivation making learning interesting decrease the anxiety of learner concrete base for abstract learning develop confidence (individually, group work) develop creativity flexible and friendly environment provides students an approach towards learning capture the attention and involve the students in learning situation
Slide 35 - Explain the following components of lesson plans – Group Work: Content Prerequisites Instructional Objective Instructional Procedures V . Materials and Equipment VI. Assessment/Evaluation VII. Follow-up Activities Self-Assessment Activity
Slide 36 - TUTOR’S INPUT Content: This is a statement that relates to the subject-matter content. The content may be a concept or a skill. Phrase this as follows: I want my students to: (be able to [name the skill) OR (I want my students to understand a description of the concept).
Slide 37 - II. Prerequisites: Indicate what the student must already know or be able to do in order to be successful with this lesson. …TUTOR’S INPUT
Slide 38 - …TUTOR’S INPUT III. Instructional Objective: Indicate what is to be learned - this must be a complete objective. Write this objective in terms of what an individual student will do, not what a group will do.
Slide 39 - IV. Instructional Procedures: Description of what you will do in teaching the lesson, and, as appropriate, includes a description of how you will introduce the lesson to the students, what actual instructional techniques you will use, and how you will bring closure to the lesson. Include what specific things students will actually do during the lesson. In most cases, you will provide some sort of summary for the students. …TUTOR’S INPUT
Slide 40 - V. Materials and Equipment: List all materials and equipment to be used by both the teacher and learner and how they will be used. VI. Assessment/Evaluation: Describe how you will determine the extent to which students have attained the instructional objective. Be sure this part is directly connected to the behavior called for in the instructional objective. …TUTOR’S INPUT
Slide 41 - VII. Follow-up Activities: Indicate how other activities/materials will be used to reinforce and extend this lesson. Include homework, assignments, and projects. …TUTOR’S INPUT
Slide 42 - …TUTOR’S INPUT VIII. Self-Assessment (to be completed after the lesson is presented): Address the major components of the lesson plan, focusing on both the strengths, and areas of needed improvement. Determine here how you plan to collect information that will be useful for planning future lessons. A good idea is to analyze the difference between what you wanted (the objective) and what was attained (the results of the assessment).
Slide 43 - Activity Complete the Educational Circle 05 minutes
Slide 44 - Complete the educational circle
Slide 46 - Activity Instructions: Topic: Preparing Lesson Planning (Maths, Science, Urdu, Social studies, English) Duration of activity: 30 minutes Materials required: Flip charts, chart paper, markers Tell the participants that they will prepare lesson plans based upon what they have so far learned. Divide the participants into groups. Every group will work on preparing lesson plans. Allocate topics from the textbooks for each subject.
Slide 47 - … Instructions Allow the participants to prepare lesson plans as per their topics. Each group presents their lesson. Once the groups have made their presentations exchange the lesson plans between groups for analysis, comments and revision if required. Invite groups to share their analysis and comments. Repeat the above steps for each subject.
Slide 48 - Aim: Before Planning a Lesson Questions you need to ask are: What are the inputs? What is the output? What do I expect the student to be able to do by the end of the time available? What will I do in order to make that possible? How will I break up the time into main stages? What will be the main stages be linked? What materials/aids will I need to achieve these aims?
Slide 49 - … Activity Process Input Process Output
Slide 50 - Devise a 40/80 minute lesson based on the method PPP – don’t forget to set the objective The following headings may assist you: Components of a lesson plan Topic Objective Resource Methodology Activities Homework Assessment Evaluation (Self analysis – PPIR an MCF) … Activity
Slide 51 - Gallery Display Feedback and discussion on lessons prepared … Activity: Preparing a lesson plan
Slide 53 - Weekly Evaluation Intrinsic feed back (self analysis) based on How do I plan a lesson? How do I follow a curriculum? How can I become an excellent classroom manager? How do I make the best use of the text book and other audio-visual aids? What do I do when things go wrong? How do I know if my lesson is successful? What is the evidence? under planned / over planned, realistic targets % of student achievement?
Slide 54 - Self Evaluation Through Student’s output Intrinsic feedback (self analysis) Extrinsic feedback ( head /seniors) Informal ( parents) STUDENTS’ EVALUATION MUST BE BASED ON…
Slide 55 - Six levels of Cognitive Domain Student Evaluation : Bloom’s Taxonomy
Slide 56 - Writing an Objective based Assessment Whenever a teacher guides instruction toward a specific learning objective, it is safe to assume that there will be, at some appropriate point, an appraisal made to determine whether the students have met or achieved the intent of the objective
Slide 57 - RULE OF THUMB Be sure to provide students with the opportunity to practice what you will be assessing them on.
Slide 58 - I cannot change the direction of the wind, I can adjust my wings to sail in its direction but ….
Slide 59 - Touching Education Thank You
Slide 60 - Daily Lesson Plan Date/Day: 15th Jan 07-Mon Class/Sec: VI -Red Period: 1st - 2nd (80 min) Subject :Eng-LangTopic :Comprehension Objective: St.will be able to fully understand / comprehend the passage and be able to Ans.Q correctly.
Slide 61 - Date/Day : 17th Jan 07-Wed. Class/Sec : VII-Blue Period : 3rd ( 40 min ) Subject : Science Topic : Light Objective: Student to understand light as a form of energy Its impact on our daily lives How it travels Understand about shadows Daily Lesson Plan
Slide 62 - Daily Lesson Plan Date/Day:18th Jan 07- Thur Class/Sec : VII-Blue Period: 5th (40 min) Subject :Geography Topic : Longitude and Latitude Objective: St. to be able to identify lines of Long.& Lat. To know how to locate any place on earth Local / International Time
Slide 63 - Activity #8 In the light of lesson you have planned give a brief evaluation plan to assess student achievement and then evaluate your lesson plan. Homework
Slide 64 - THANK U