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Honour Killings PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - “Honour Killings”
Slide 2 - What is “honour” killings? “Honour” killings of women is defined as the murder of them to rid the shame in the family because of the immoral behaviour she has committed This is usually carried out by the brother or father of the victim There is virtually no law protecting these women
Slide 3 - Stabbed to death A 16-year-old Muslim girl, Heshu Yones, wore make-up and spent time with her Lebanese Christian boyfriend. But an anonymous letter was sent to her family accusing her of betraying her traditional roots and behaving like a prostitute. Her father believed the only way of cleansing this shame was through the death of her daughter. He stabbed her 11 times and slit her throat, with such force that the tip of the blade snapped.
Slide 4 - Where the problem is Pakistan Jordan Israel Muslim countries In these countries, those who kill for honour are almost never punished. In the rare occasions that they are brought on trial, they would only serve 3 months in prison at the most. But most would be let off.
Slide 5 - Rights that are broken Nobody has the right to torture them They should be legally protected in the same way everywhere, and like everyone else. The law is the same for everyone; it should be applied in the same way to all. You should be able to ask for legal help when the rights your country grants you are not respected.
Slide 6 - She barely lived Zahida Perveen's head is shrouded in a white cotton veil, which she tightens every few moments. She has suffered horrible injuries to her face. A year ago, her husband accused her of an affair with a brother-in-law. He slashed her with a knife. She was three months pregnant at the time. He never said a word except, “This is your last night.”
Slide 7 - Zarghona 15 lies in a Peshawar shelter, burnt by her father-in-law who said she had not cleaned her husband's clothes properly
Slide 8 - Facts and Figures Often burning or scarring with acid are the preferred methods of the men committing these crimes. The Progressive Women's Association, which assists attack victims, tracked 3,560 women who were hospitalized after being attacked at home between 1994 and 1999," according to Constable. About half the victims died.
Slide 9 - Romeo and Juliet Saga Afsheen and Hassan were cousins and neighbors in a village in Pakistan. They studied at the same university and fell in love. They came from feuding branches of the same landowning family. Afsheen’s father confessed he had strangled his 23 year old daughter to protect the family’s honor. “When I have no honor, I have nothing. Honor is the only thing a man has”. Afsheen’s family is educated and full of engineers and lawyers, and when Afsheen finished her studies, she was married off to a cousin. A few weeks later, she ran off with Hassan, but her family found her and forced her to return. 5 days later she was dead. Hassan is now on the run, despairs “Her family swore on the Koran they would not harm her if she went back with them, but they didn’t keep their word”. “My life is in severe danger”.
Slide 10 - What the UN has done The UN issued a press statement condemning “honour” killings.
Slide 11 - What the UN has done UN organizations will be advocating an awareness campaign project to be conducted.
Slide 12 - What can we do? Raise awareness through education Send letters to relevant heads of countries where this is happening and advise them to act immediately Set up a fund to raise money to halt domestic violence [violence within a family]
Slide 13 - Bibliography South China Morning Post http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/3088828.stm http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2002/02/0212_020212_honorkilling_2.html http://www.unifem.org/gender_issues/violence_against_women/facts_figures_4.php http://www.unifem.org/gender_issues/voices_from_the_field/story.php?StoryID=234