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Hello Android PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Hello Android powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Hello Android in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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Hello Android Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Android Application Development with Java UPenn CS4HS 2011 Chris Murphy cdmurphy@cis.upenn.edu
Slide 2 - Overview What is Android? Why teach Android? What do you need in order to teach Android? Hello, Android Basic Android graphics Lunch Part 2: More Android!
Slide 3 - What is Android?
Slide 4 - What is Android? An open source Linux-based operating system intended for mobile computing platforms Includes a Java API for developing applications It is not a device or product
Slide 5 - ppt slide no 5 content not found
Slide 6 - Why teach Android?
Slide 7 - NYC High School Girls Build Android Apps http://www.pcworld.com/article/223409/move_over_dr_soong_girls_can_build_android_apps_too.html
Slide 8 - Engaging Students with Android Android has a lot of “buzz” now Newness Coolness Googleness UI and graphics made simple(r) Advanced Java skills
Slide 9 - What Skills Will Students Learn? Reinforce the basics: OOP, decomposition, etc. Separation of UI design and functionality XML and resource files Events and Listeners Callback methods Threads
Slide 10 - Android vs. iPhone Java vs. Objective-C Direct install vs. Marketplace vs. App Store Open source?
Slide 11 - What do you need in order to teach Android?
Slide 12 - What Should Students Already Know? Java! inheritance, method overriding interfaces, casting exceptions debugging reading API documentation Eclipse easy to pick up quickly, though
Slide 13 - Do I Need Phones? The emulator that is part of the Android toolset for Eclipse is quite good (though a bit slow) You may be able to get free “developer phones” from Google
Slide 14 - Online Resources developer.android.com code.google.com/p/apps-for-android/ stackoverflow.com videos from Google I/O conferences
Slide 15 - “Hello, Android”
Slide 16 - Creating Your First(?) Android App Set up your development environment Create a new Android project in Eclipse Run it in the emulator Hilarity ensues
Slide 17 - 1. Set Up Your Android Environment http://developer.android.com/sdk Install Eclipse Install Android SDK (Android libraries) Install ADT plugin (Android development tools) Create AVD (Android virtual device) We’ve already done this for you!!
Slide 18 - 2. Create an Android Project in Eclipse File → New → Project Select “Android Project” Fill in Project details...
Slide 19 - Name that appears on device Directory name Class to automatically create Java package Android version
Slide 20 - 3. Run the Android Application Run → Run (or click the “Run” button) Select “Android Application” The emulator may take a few minutes to start, so be patient! You don't need to restart the emulator when you have a new version of your application
Slide 21 - ppt slide no 21 content not found
Slide 22 - Source code Auto-generated code UI layout String constants Configuration
Slide 23 - 1 public class HelloAndroid extends Activity { 2  /** Called when the activity is first created. */ 3    @Override 4    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) 5 { 6      super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); 7        setContentView(R.layout.main); 8    } 9 } HelloAndroid.java
Slide 24 - 1 2 8 13 main.xml
Slide 25 - 1 2 3 Hello World, HelloAndroid! 4 5 Hello, Android 6 strings.xml
Slide 26 - 1 2 7 9 11 12 14 16 17 18 19 AndroidManifest.xml