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Graduate Studies in Zoology (Department of Zoology) PowerPoint Presentation

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Graduate Studies in Zoology (Department of Zoology) Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Graduate Studies in Zoology Oregon State University
Slide 2 - Important Administrative Staff Chair of Zoology: Virginia Weis TA assignments, etc.: Joe Beatty Chair of Graduate Studies Committee: Dave Lytle Graduate Studies Committee: Rebecca Terry, John Ruben, Dave Lytle Administrative Assistant: Tara Bevandich Office Specialist (student advising): Traci Durrell–Khalife Office Specialist (travel, time cards): Torri Givigliano Office Specialist (undergrad affairs): Trudy Powell Other of interest: Director of Biology Program: Bob Mason Director of Graduate Studies–Environmental Science: Andy Blaustein Director of Graduate Studies–Molecular, Cellular Biology: Barb Taylor
Slide 3 - Important Resources OSU Graduate Catalog: online – see key links in handbook Graduate School: website Zoology Graduate Student Handbook: pdf *** read this!!***
Slide 4 - Graduate Studies Committee 1. Annual reviews of grad students 2. Act on petitions 3. Act on terminations or grievances 4. Rank fellowship applicants
Slide 5 - Graduate Studies Committee 1. Annual reviews of grad students 2. Act on petitions 3. Act on terminations or grievances 4. Rank fellowship applicants Your Thesis Committee PhD: 5 members of graduate faculty (advisor + 1 other from zoology, grad council representative, 2 others, including1 from outside dept.). Note: outsiders must be on OSU grad faculty, requires an OSU appointment MS: 4 members of graduate faculty (advisor, 1 member major dept., grad council representative, and 1 member outside dept.)
Slide 6 - PhD: 108 credits total; 50% should be “stand alone” (i.e., not slash, course, e.g., Bi 445/545) 36 Thesis Credit (Z 603) 36 Non-blanket courses (i.e., no “0” in middle of course #) 6-15 blanket (“0” in middle) seminar courses (e.g., seminar Z 507; from other departments OK) Only 1 credit of Z599 can count towards the 6 seminar credits (must be “seminar like”) MS: 45 credits total; 50% should be “stand alone” (i.e., not slash course, e.g., 400/500) 6 Thesis Credit (Z 503) 15 Non-blanket courses 2-9 Blanket or seminar courses Program of Study
Slide 7 - blanket 603 & 507 (need 36 cr of Z603 & 6 cr of Z507) non-blanket (e.g. MCB 530) non-slash (54 cr min) slash (e.g. Bi 445/545) Total = 108 credits (min 36 in residence at OSU) non-blanket (36 cr min)
Slide 8 - blanket 603 & 507 non-blanket (e.g. MCB 530) non-slash (54 cr min) slash (e.g. Bi 445/545) Total = 108 credits (min 36 in residence at OSU) non-blanket (36 cr min) Typical program 36 Z603 6 Z507 12 “real” grad classes (non-slash, non-blanket) 24 slash classes
Slide 9 - Other Program of Study details: Must have a GPA ≥ 3.0 and course grades must be ≥ 2.0. No foreign language requirement 1. Scientific Skills (Z 507) seminar required first year for Zoology majors (unless not offered) 2. Grant Writing (Z 507) is recommended in first or second year for Zoology majors.
Slide 10 - OSU Graduate Program Requirements 3 Formal meetings with your committee Note: remote participation OK – see handbook 1. Program of Study Meeting Courses decided, Program of Study form signed and submitted to Graduate School Due: PhD w/ MS: end of 4th quarter PhD no MS: end of 5th quarter; MS: end of 2nd quarter Note: grad school won’t let you register if not done
Slide 11 - 2. Proposal Meeting Research Proposal Must write a research proposal (no formal format) and present at a proposal meeting with committee. Need signatures on proposal. Due end of 2nd year (PhD) or of 1st year (MS) Can combine Proposal meeting with Program of Study Meeting
Slide 12 - 3. Preliminary Exam Oral exam to enter candidacy (PhD only). No written exam. Must notify graduate school 2 weeks before to get paperwork. One negative vote allowed; more than one, must take again. Only 3 preliminary exams can be administered. Due by end of 3rd year
Slide 13 - 4. Defense (final exam meeting) Public presentation, then defend thesis in private with committee. Must notify graduate school 2 weeks before to get paperwork. One negative vote allowed; more than one, must take again. Only 2 final exams are allowed. Due at end of 5 years (PhD) and 2 years (MS) Consult Graduate School for thesis details (i.e., timing, format, bound copies, etc.).
Slide 14 - 1. Teaching Requirement Minimum of 3 quarters of teaching (PhD only). Don’t expect a waiver! Other Zoology Graduate Program Requirements
Slide 15 - 3. Annual Review of Progress All students must be reviewed each year by GSC (usually 1st week in December). First year students exempt. Submit CV and review statement, meet with GSC faculty, receive review from GSC, signed by you, advisor, and Chair of GSC (see appendix to Manual) 4. Limits for Completion of Program and Financial Support PhD–5 years MS–2 years Must petition to stay longer or continue support.
Slide 16 - Financial Support and Course Loads 1. Graduate Assistantships Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA) Graduate Research Assistantship (GRA) Both are usually 0.40 FTE (40% or 16 hours a week). Includes a tuition waiver & 85% health insurance. Appointments made on a quarter–by–quarter basis but usually 9 months in advance; should be supported with a GRA in the summer provided by advisor. A few TAs available. TAs must be here to teach Don’t back out on short notice
Slide 17 - Financial Support and Course Loads (continued) 2. Fellowships NSF pre-doctoral fellowships EPA STARR fellowships NSERC NERRS Tuition waiver for all fellowships has been historically granted – see handbook **Note: minimum salary required for tuition deferral if foreign fellowship!! University-wide fellowships and awards Announced via emails Many require nomination by Department. Advisor submits pre-nomination, GSC chooses nominee
Slide 18 - Financial Support and Course Loads (continued) 3. Course Loads for Assistantships All GTA or GRAs must register for 16 credit hours each academic term 9 credits of Zoology (Z 503/603 or Z 501/601) in summer* Minimum of 3 to keep in standing if really not physically here * non-Zoology OK only if on program
Slide 19 - Petition Procedures Typical reasons to file a petition to the GSC 1. Limit for degree completion or financial support has been reached PhD–5 years MS–2 years Petition letter should address all the points given in the Graduate Handbook. Due February 1st before extension year. Extensions of financial support are for one academic year or less. A second year of support is rarely granted.
Slide 20 - Expected Timetable First Year Take Scientific Skills Seminar (Z 507) Select Graduate Program Committee Hold Program of Study Meeting and file Program of Study (MS or PhD w/ MS) Hold Research Proposal Meeting and file Research Proposal (MS) Second Year Undergo 1st Annual Review Hold Program of Study Meeting and file Program of Study (PhD w/o MS) Hold Research Proposal Meeting and file Research Proposal (PhD w/ MS) Submit Masters Thesis and take Final Oral Examination (MS); if not, apply for extension Third Year Undergo 2nd Annual Review Take Doctoral Preliminary Oral Examination Fourth through Fifth Years Undergo 3rd and 4th Annual Reviews Submit Dissertation and take Final Examination; if not, in 5th year, apply for extension
Slide 21 - Miscellaneous Health insurance over the summer if not on TA or RA Must fill out a form in Spring to get 50% coverage (must be returning in fall) Travel Get pre-approval Note the Enterprise rentals See Torri’s notes in handbook
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