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Grade 3 Citizenship PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Grade 3 Citizenship powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Grade 3 Citizenship in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Citizenship Social Studies Online
Slide 2 - Blue Print Skill Determine the representative acts of a good citizen. Identify examples of rights and responsibilities of citizens.
Slide 3 - Citizenship The way the members of a group use their rights and carry out their responsibilities.
Slide 4 - Rights A right is something that is owed a person. At school, you have the right to learn.
Slide 5 - Responsibilities A responsibility is something a person must do. I am responsible for being quiet while the teacher is talking.
Slide 6 - Volunteers Members of a community might show good citizenship by becoming community volunteers. A volunteer chooses to do important work that is needed. They are not paid for their work.
Slide 7 - Volunteers In many communities, most or all of the firefighters are volunteers.
Slide 8 - Volunteers In many communities, children are volunteers, too. They visit older people who do not have family nearby. They collect bottles, cans, and newspapers for recycling. A thing that is recycled is used again in some way.
Slide 9 - Volunteer Organizations Volunteers work in many organizations. The Red Cross and the Salvation Army help people in wartime or after an earthquake, flood, or other disaster.
Slide 10 - Volunteer Organizations Volunteers work in many organizations. They are leaders in Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and other clubs.
Slide 11 - Rights or Responsibility? Can you list some rights you have? Can you list some responsibilities you have at home, at school, and on teams?
Slide 12 - Citizenship Can you list some ways the members of a community show good citizenship?