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FUNNY JOKE POLITICS PowerPoint Presentation

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FUNNY JOKE POLITICS Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - FUNNY JOKE POLITICS How & how not to use humor in communications
Slide 2 - Being funny can... dethrone & deflate an opponent allow you to say things you couldn’t with a straight face puncture an argument make messages much easier to pass along broadly deflect criticism, show humanity
Slide 3 - When does it work? Rarely.
Slide 4 - When does it not work? Often.
Slide 5 - Why? Care too much; don’t want to make light Comedy is bad at communicating new ideas Focus is too specific; no entry point Wrong messenger Also: it’s really, really hard
Slide 6 - How? Meet them half way Need to find a shared premise: common ground The more surprising, the funnier
Slide 7 - Formulas for funny Ridiculing character Pushing argument to extreme Translate to human speak: sociological or psychological Connect to pop culture Juxtapose Language A with Message B
Slide 8 - Ridiculing character
Slide 9 - Push argument extreme
Slide 10 - Push argument extreme
Slide 11 - Push argument extreme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7bzdj9RlG4
Slide 12 - Push argument extreme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7X8u5IEEBc
Slide 13 - Translate to human speak
Slide 14 - Explain with pop culture http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nqtL-P8kzo
Slide 15 - Language A, Message B
Slide 16 - Language A, Message B http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gwqEneBKUs
Slide 17 - But, really, how? Don’t go with first idea — brainstorm 10 more Commit. Context matters — find something to copy Don’t underestimate the power of swearing, kittens, and sex
Slide 18 - You don’t have to be funny Best as a mindset, not a format Just be interesting.
Slide 19 - Good people Andy Cobb — andrewtcobb@ca.rr.com Lee Stranahan — lee@stranahan.com Andrew Boyd — andrewontheroad@gmail.com Robert Greenwald — Brave New Films