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E-Waste Reuse Recycling PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional E-Waste Reuse Recycling powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on E-Waste Reuse Recycling in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device Good Day Every Body
Slide 2 - This presentation was prepared by JOCYCLE company Amman – Jordan 2012 Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 3 - What do you know about Computer & electronics recycling It is the recycling or reuse of computers or other electronic devices. It includes both finding another use for materials (such as donation to charity), and having systems dismantled, in a manner that allows for the safe extraction of the constituent materials for reuse in other products. E-WASTE Handling Process Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 4 - E-Waste Science & Technology Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 5 - Outline Recycling Business & Technology Remanufacturing Practices and Issues Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 6 - Objectives To save the environment To increase the awareness of the hazards of these equipments To involve the civil action in the act Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 7 - Review: Product Lifecycle Suggested by OTA, "Green Products by Design: Choices for a Cleaner Environment," 1992. Material Extraction Material Processing Manufacturing Use Waste Management Recycle Remanufacture Reuse Repair Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 8 - Recycling Collection,…processing, marketing Saves resources, energy, money Reduce pollution of extracting resources Reduce new landfills and incinerators Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 9 - A General Recycling Process Source: BDI Collection Receiving Disassembly Sorting Disposition Remarketing Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 10 - Typical Company PC Process www.apple.com 07-15-05 Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 11 - ppt slide no 11 content not found
Slide 12 - Remanufacturing Remanufacturing & Refurbishment is the basic upgrading of a retired product to the use of parts from a retired system for use in a different product. Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 13 - Remanufacturing There are various levels of remanufacturing ranging from simple cosmetic improvements, such as replacing decals, scratched or cracked enclosures, to updating software to troubleshooting nonworking units and replacing failed components. Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 14 - Our Green Project Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device Collect M === Recycle M
Slide 15 - Project Main Aim : This project will collect all the e-waste and electronic and electric and any other materials that companies and foundations Want us to handle and or Recycle or refurbish Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 16 - Project Action Plan : Collecting – By the compamy or foundation Backing and Transporting – By Jocycle Recycling or Refurbishing – By Jocycle Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 17 - Deal Specification: Jocycle will collect all the materials that companies and foundations want to get red off on either 2 bases : Donation – free of charge Bay for it – from Jocycle as agreed. Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device
Slide 18 - Will and will be always the best way for all companies who want to arrange a full program to recycle its E-WASTE Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device JOCYCLE
Slide 19 - Thank You Jordan for Recycling Computers & Electronic Device