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Drones Department of Computer Science Texas State University PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Drones Department of Computer Science Texas State University powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Drones Department of Computer Science Texas State University in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Drones By James Riedel & Phillip Schrank
Slide 2 - Overview What is a Drone? What do they do? What has gone wrong with them? Is there a place for them in our future? Are they Ethical?
Slide 3 - What is a Drone? Many different names unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) unmanned aircraft Powered aerial vehicles sustained in flight by aerodynamic lift over most of their flight path and guided without an onboard crew. (defense.gov)
Slide 4 - Who Uses Drones? ARMY & armed forces CIA Police Who else?
Slide 5 - Drones ARMY C.I.A. Police Civilian
Slide 6 - More Drones
Slide 7 - Drones Basic components Engine (source of flight) Board Auto pilot RF Antenna (other types of communication) Navigation (GPS)
Slide 8 - Overview Controlling a UAV is like a video game. Training to use them.
Slide 9 - Drones
Slide 10 - Benefits of Drones Hundreds of terrorists and militants killed Surveillance Border Security Saves lives Can be used for hours at a time
Slide 11 - Harms of Drones Collateral damage Privacy issues Numerous crashes Expensive to make Unsecure systems
Slide 12 - Drones in Our Future Replace military branches? Automated drones soon to come?
Slide 13 - Ethical Concerns Easy warfare = more warfare? Violates international law? Automation potential for disaster? Violates international law?
Slide 14 - Ethical Analysis The proper lens in which to view this ethical decision is with Social Contract Theory. With some many live potential effected by Drones, it is important to look at it with a broad scope.
Slide 15 - Questions?