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Slide 1 - Skin Infections In Athletics W. Randy Martin, MD Infectious Disease Consultant Director, Sutter Roseville Wound Clinic
Slide 2 - Skin Infections The skin always has some amount of bacteria, fungus, and viruses living on it Skin infections occur when there are breaks in the skin and the organisms have uncontrolled growth
Slide 3 - Skin Infections - Highlights Bacteria (can be cured) Staphlococcus including MRSA & Impetigo Streptococcus Fungal (can be cured) Ringworm Viral (can’t be cured but can be treated) Herpes Warts Molluscum contagiosum
Slide 4 - Examples of Staph Infections www.spapex.org/spapex/ impetigobulloso.jpg
Slide 5 - Staph Infection
Slide 6 - Chronic folliculitis due to Staphylococcus aureus infection
Slide 7 - Folliculitis Inflammation of hair follicle Frequently caused by infection Physical injury can cause problem Painless or tender pustule
Slide 8 - What is MRSA? The official name is Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus. It is a “Staph” infection “Staph” and “Strep” bacteria often cause skin infections. MRSA is resistant to many of the traditional “Staph” antibiotics
Slide 9 - MRSA Typically presents with an abscess May or may not have surrounding cellulitis Athlete may or may not have risk factors for infection
Slide 10 - MRSA Sports who have athletes develop infections include weight lifting, basketball, baseball, canoeing, fencing, football, rugby, running (cross-country), soccer, softball, volleyball, and wrestling
Slide 11 - How Do MRSA Infections Occur? Touching someone’s MRSA-infected skin Touching surfaces that have MRSA on them, like doorknobs and light switches Sharing personal hygiene items (bar soap, towels, razors) Overusing antibiotics, stopping them early, or missing doses
Slide 12 - MRSA
Slide 13 - How is MRSA treated? By a healthcare provider who may: Drain the infection and/or Give the correct antibiotic and/or Help reduce the amount of bacteria on the skin.
Slide 14 - Stop Spreading MRSA! Wash your hands often with warm, soapy water Use 60% alcohol- based hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available Shower immediately after practice and matches
Slide 15 - Stop Spreading MRSA! Do not share personal hygiene items (bar soap, towels, razors) or clothing Wear practice clothes/ uniforms only once, wash with soap and hot water, dry in hot dryer Cover all wounds with a clean, dry bandage taped on all four sides
Slide 16 - Stop Spreading MRSA! Avoid contact with other people’s skin infections Report skin infections to coach/ trainer/ nurse Clean and disinfect athletic/wrestling gear and practice surfaces (mats, benches, weight lifting equipment) after each use
Slide 17 - Impetigo Can develop on any exposed skin surface after skin-to-skin contact in sports. Topical mupirocin may be used with the possible addition of oral antibiotics, such as a second-generation oral cephalosporin Athlete may return to competition after five days of therapy if the lesions have become crusted.
Slide 18 - Ringworm (fungus) Also known as Tinea corporis (fungus) Common among wrestlers Treatment should include a topical agent (such as clotrimazole twice a day for three weeks) as well as an oral antifungal agent (such as fluconazole for three weeks). May return to competition after five, but ideally after 10 days of treatment
Slide 19 - Ringworm
Slide 20 - Covering Skin Lesions Covering skin lesions do not reduce infections! Infections penetrate dressings and the outer dressings have been shown to be contagious In the physical sport of wrestling, dressings slip and move around, are abrasive on the wound which increases infection potential
Slide 21 - Locker Rooms/ Shower Rooms Shower with soap or chlorhexidine (recommended) and water immediately after each practice, game, match, or other event. Use a clean, dry towel
Slide 22 - Sports Equipment Whenever possible, equipment and clothing should not be shared. All shared equipment that comes in direct contact with the skin of an athlete (wrestling head gear, football helmets, and fencing wires) should be cleaned and sanitized after each use. Sports equipment (balls, racket grips, bats, gloves) should be cleaned regularly
Slide 23 - Key Points Athletes should be regularly encouraged to follow good hygiene practices, including frequent hand washing, showering immediately following each practice or competition, and NOT sharing “drinking” water bottles Do NOT touch other peoples’ skin infections. Any draining wound should be considered a potential skin infection
Slide 24 - Key Points Do NOT share personal hygiene items (e.g., bar soap, razors, nail clippers, etc.), or topical ointments, antibiotics, deodorants, and salves. Promptly report abrasions, lacerations, or skin infections to a coach/ team trainer, or school nurse Cosmetic shaving should be discouraged
Slide 25 - Key Points Athletes with open wounds should be discouraged from using whirlpools or common tubs. Individuals with scratches or open wound can infect others or become infected in this kind of environment. Wash practice clothes/ uniforms with soap and warm water and dry in a hot dryer after every use
Slide 26 - Acknowledgements Center for Disease Control Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department Sutter Roseville Medical Center Infection Control Department Virginia Department of Health