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Dinosaurs and Fossils PowerPoint Presentation

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Dinosaurs and Fossils Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Dinosaurs and Fossils Determining the age of dinosaur fossils
Slide 2 - Dino Domination Dinosaurs ruled the earth for 165 million years Mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period, 65 million years ago
Slide 3 - How do we know? Fossils of every shape and size have been found on 6 continents Limited fossil record but we continue to discover more We can tell the age of fossils using 2 dating techniques
Slide 4 - Dating Techniques Relative Dating – Dating using rock layers, doesn’t determine an exact age Radiometric Dating – ages can be determined using radioactive decay of elements
Slide 5 - Relative Dating Only technique available in the 18th and 19th century Relative ages of fossils can be found based on the rock layers they are found in Principle of Superposition: Younger sedimentary rocks are deposited on top of older sedimentary rocks
Slide 6 - ppt slide no 6 content not found
Slide 7 - Radiometric Dating Ages of rocks and fossils can be more closely determined Some elements have isotopes that are unstable (parent isotope) These isotopes have a natural tendency to change, or decay (form daughter isotope) If we know the proportion of parent and daughter isotope present, and its half life, we can find the age of the fossil
Slide 8 - Half Life The time it takes for an element to go to a 50:50 proportion of parent and daughter isotopes With measurements on very large numbers of elements we can determine their half lives