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DIABETES AND EXERCISE Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - DIABETES MELLITUS AND EXERCISE Josh Lewis MD Fairfax Family Practice Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship Thanks to: CDR W. Bruce Adams, MC, USN
Slide 2 - OBJECTIVES To review and compare exercise metabolism in euglycemic and diabetic patients To provide guidance for counseling and management of diabetics in pursuit of exercise
Slide 3 - INTRODUCTION Diabetes (particularly Type 2) is a growing problem in the US Exercise is a key element in DM management delaying development of Type 2 DM Goals of exercise: Improve overall health and fitness - cardiovascular endurance - strength - body fat composition Psychological gains - less stigmatization - improved self confidence - socialization - healthier lifestyle attitude
Slide 4 - Demographics: Estimated ~ 6% of US population diabetic Half of these undiagnosed Type 1 Diabetics (5-10% of DM)  WANT TO EXERCISE BUT SOMETIMES SHOULDN’T Type 2 Diabetics (90-95% of DM)  WON’T EXERCISE BUT SHOULD AT ALL TIMES
Slide 5 - DIABETES MELLITUS DEFINITION: A group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. DIABETES CLASSIFICATION: New nomenclature for classes of diabetes mellitus established in 1997 by the Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus to help standardize terminology and address inconsistencies between terminology and pathophysiology.
Slide 6 - TYPE 1 DIABETES MELLITUS [a.k.a. Type I DM, NIDDM, Juvenile-Onset DM] Deficiency of insulin Prone to ketoacidosis -cell destruction: Immune mediated Idiopathic (no evidence of autoimmune etiology)
Slide 7 - TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS [a.k.a. Type II DM, IDDM, Adult-Onset DM] State of insulin resistance with relative insulin deficiency or Predominant deficiency of insulin with resistance to insulin action
Slide 8 - OTHER SPECIFIC TYPES OF DIABETES: Genetic Defects of -Cell Function Genetic Defects in Insulin Action Diseases of Exocrine Pancreas Endocrinopathies (Cushing's syndrome, pheochromocytoma, other tumors producing excess of glucagon, growth hormone, somatostatin and aldosterone) Drug/Chemical Induced Post Infection Other Uncommon Immune Mediated Forms (Insulin receptor antibodies, other autoimmune diseases) Associated Genetic Syndromes (Down's, Turner's, Kleinfelters syndrome, and others)
Slide 9 - GESTATIONAL DIABETES MELLITUS - Any degree of glucose intolerance first detected during pregnancy - Complicates ~ 4% of all pregnancies in US - Screening: 50 g oral glucose load check 1 hr post load plasma glucose If > 140 mg/dl check 3 hr GTT DX: 2 or more elevated values on 3 hr GTT
Slide 10 - DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR DIABETES MELLITUS Either: 1. Sx of diabetes plus random plasma glucose > 200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l) 2. Fasting Plasma Glucose > 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/l) 3. OGTT: 2 hr postload glucose > 200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/dl)
Slide 11 - IMPAIRED GLUCOSE TOLERANCE (IGT): A state between normal glucose homeostasis and diabetes High risk for progression to DM Pathologic only in pregnancy? FASTING PLASM GLUCOSE > 110 but < 126 mg/dl IMPAIRED FASTING GLUCOSE (IFG): Older term used in conjunction with previous classification scheme to describe the state between normal glucose homeostasis and diabetes FASTING PLASM GLUCOSE > 110 but < 140 mg/dl
Slide 12 - ENERGY FUELS FOR EXERCISE GLUCOSE (Intestinal Absorption, Blood Stream, Liver and Muscle) The basic carbohydrate for energy production Readily transferred between bloodstream and liver or muscle GLYCOGEN (Muscle and Liver) Storage form of carbohydrate (glucose) in muscle and liver Fuel source that is readily mobilized providing glucose TRIGLYCERIDES (Adipose Tissue and Muscle) High yield-slow release form of energy storage Provides twice the energy per gram than carbohydrate LYPOLYSIS yields free fatty acids and glycerol PROTEIN (Liver) Minimal energy contribution (~10%) through gluconeogensis
Slide 14 - PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS OF EXERCISE IN NON-DIABETICS VS DIABETICS HORMONAL CHANGES WITH EXERCISE IN NON-DIABETICS INSULIN levels decline GLUCAGON rises CATECHOLAMINES rise. Glycogen stores progressively become depleted. Later glucose availability is from gluconeogensis or ingested glucose.
Slide 15 - PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS OF EXERCISE IN NON-DIABETICS VS DIABETICS HORMONAL CHANGES WITH EXERCISE IN DIABETICS INSULIN Normal physiologic decline in insulin with exercise absent Accelerated absorption from injection site  levels above non-exercising baseline Much individual variation re: injection site absorption patterns Insulin sensitivity in Type 2 DM enhanced with exercise just 3-4 days/week
Slide 17 - PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS OF EXERCISE IN NON-DIABETICS VS DIABETICS GLUCOSE METABOLISM IN EXERCISE Energy expenditure for exercise centers around mobilization and metabolism of glucose for early energy expenditure subsequently augmented by breakdown of triglycerides yielding (free fatty acids and glycerol) for prolonged energy expenditure. Glucose homeostasis depends on the coordination between glucose intake, storage and utilization directed by an intricate balance between insulin and the counter-regulatory hormones activity.
Slide 18 - PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS OF EXERCISE IN NON-DIABETICS VS DIABETICS EXERCISE AND GLUCOSE METABOLISM IN NON-DIABETICS Slight  blood glucose initially then stabilizes - counter-regulatory hormones - glycogen stores - carbohydrate intake during exercise Skeletal muscle glucose uptake  - enhanced responsiveness to insulin - activation of direct myocyte uptake (independent of insulin) Baseline serum glucose  in the long term -  efficiency of glucose transport, storage and mobilization
Slide 19 - PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS OF EXERCISE IN NON-DIABETICS VS DIABETICS EXERCISE AND GLUCOSE METABOLISM IN EXERCISE IN DIABETICS Trends not as predictable (interplay of multiple factors) Injected insulin cannot mimic the physiologic patterns  glucose uptake and utilization  serum glucose in both Type 1 and Type 2  response to insulin decreased glucose for given dose of insulin
Slide 20 - PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS OF EXERCISE IN NON-DIABETICS VS DIABETICS EXERCISE AND GLUCOSE METABOLISM IN EXERCISE IN DIABETICS Caveats: Ketosis prone diabetics tend to have elevation of serum glucose Diabetic children prone to greater variability in blood glucose response
Slide 21 - FACTORS AFFECTING EXERCISE GLUCOSE METABOLISM IN DIABETICS PHYSIOLOGIC PHARMACOLOCIC FACTORS FACTORS Status of Metabolic Type of Insulin / Oral Control Hypoglycemic Agent Fitness Level Site of Insulin Injection Blood Glucose at Time of Insulin Injection Onset of Exercise Insulin Resistance
Slide 22 - FACTORS AFFECTING EXERCISE GLUCOSE METABOLISM IN DIABETICS EXERCISE CALORIC FACTORS INTAKE Timing of Exercise Timing of Pre- Intensity of Exercise Exercise Meal Duration of Exercise Caloric Content of Type of Exercise Pre-Exercise Meal Frequency of Exercise (Quantity and Type)
Slide 23 - PHYSIOLOGIC EFFECTS OF EXERCISE IN NON-DIABETICS VS DIABETICS LIPID METABOLISM AND EXERCISE NON-DIABETIC DIABETIC  HDL Cholesterol  HDL Cholesterol  LDL Cholesterol  LDL Cholesterol (variable)  Total Cholesterol  Total Cholesterol  VLDL  VLDL - Exercise in diabetics has same beneficial effects on lipids as non-diabetics, though greatest achievable gains are in Type 2 DM - These effects often attenuated in diabetes and degree of improvement somewhat correlates with adequacy of glycemic control.
Slide 25 - GUIDELINES FOR EXERCISE IN DIABETES GENERAL RECOMMENDATIONS - Most of the general principles for exercise in non-diabetics are applicable to diabetics - Attention to carbohydrate intake and utilization must be more vigilant in the diabetic - Prescreening for comorbid conditions frequently associated with DM
Slide 26 - PRE-EXERCISE EVALUATION History and Physical Exam carefully assessing for: - Cardiovascular Disease - Peripheral Vascular Disease - Retinopathy - Nephropathy - Autonomic Neuropathy - Peripheral Neuropathy
Slide 27 - EXERCISE PLANNING Balance Motivation vs. Capability vs. Type of Exercise Needed Target: Aerobic exercise at 50-70% VO2 max 20-60 minutes/day 4-7 days/week Pursue exercise activities patient likely to find enjoyable Safety Gradual progression (higher risk of hypoglycemia with rapid progression in untrained individuals) Proficiency in self blood glucose monitoring and insulin / carbohydrate adjustment
Slide 28 - EXERCISE ACTIVITIES Maintain a standardized exercise regimen avoiding major variance Self blood glucose monitoring before, during and after exercise is paramount. Attention to caloric intake before during and after exercise, especially events >1hr Attention to hydration before during and after exercise, especially events >1hr Avoid exercising at extremes of temperature when autonomic neuropathy present Avoid exercising when sick. Warm Up (5-10 min low intensity aerobic) and Cool Down (5-10 min) Exercise at Moderate Intensity (50-70% MVO2 or PMHR, or RPE = 12-13)
Slide 29 - NUTRIENT INTAKE Eat a meal 1-3 hours before exercise Carbohydrate snack 15-30 minutes before exercise protects against post-exercise hypoglycemia Carbohydrate for Replacement of Glycogen Stores  Meals: 60% Carbohydrate  Exercise < 1 Hr/Day - 5-6 g/kg/day  Exercise > 2 Hr/Day - 8 g/kg/day  Coordinate Insulin dose/activity with food intake Ingest supplemental carbohydrate during exercise for exercise > 1 hr  15-30 g/hr divided every 15-30 minutes
Slide 30 - NUTRIENT INTAKE Fluid Intake Need correlates to losses - depends on factors of heat, humidity, sweat rate and duration of exertion Thirst is poor indicator of fluid need during exercise  Weight loss most accurate: 1 lb. wt loss  15 oz (450 cc) water [add to fluid consumed]  General guide: 8 oz (240 cc) every 20 minutes Ingestion of Carbohydrate drink of 6-8% CHO during exercise typically meets fluid and carbohydrate intake need
Slide 31 - SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS INSULIN ABSORPTION Absorption rates from different injection sites not consistently predictable between different individuals Absorption from ABDOMEN is FASTER AT REST than from extremities Absorption from ABDOMEN is MORE CONSISTANT than from extremities Absorption is accelerated when injected into area of exertion Delaying exercise 30 minutes after injection of Lispro allows better glycemic control for exercise period
Slide 32 - ORAL HYPOGLCEMIC AGENTS Potential to cause hypoglycemia may be potentiated for several agents, though risk typically less than for patients who require insulin. Sulfonylureas : most commonly associated with hypoglycemia metformin : avoid dehydration : potential for lactic acidosis
Slide 33 - HYPOGLYCEMIA May arise from one or more of:  Excess exogenous insulin  Inadequate calorie intake  Exercise / Caloric Expenditure greater than anticipated  Typically occurs after exercise, Late Onset Hypoglycemia more common Due to dangers of hypoglycemic state SCUBA Diving, Rock Climbing, and Long Distance Swimming are contraindicated in diabetics
Slide 34 - Late Onset Hypoglycemia May occur 6 to 28 hours after strenuous exercise May be more of a problem for some diabetics than hypoglycemia during exercise. Typically nocturnal; often severe with seizures or coma. Due to:  Depletion of glycogen stores.  Inadequate replenishment of glycogen stores post exercise.  Increased sensitivity to insulin post exercise.  Increased glucose uptake and glycogen synthesis in depleted muscle groups. Most commonly associated with prolonged strenuous exertion in individuals unaccustomed to such or after periods of prolonged inactivity. Late afternoon/early evening exercise higher risk
Slide 35 - HYPERGLYCEMIA POST EXERCISE Insulin deficiency  Decreased cellular uptake of glucose  Increase in liver glucose production Counter-regulatory hormone excess (stimulated by high intensity exercise)  Excess hepatic glucose release
Slide 36 - CARDIAC DISEASE Diabetics at significant risk for SILENT ISCHEMIA CARDIAC AUTONOMIC NEUROPATHY  GRADED EXERCISE STRESS TEST for any one of the following: Age > 35 years Type 2 DM > 10 years duration Type 1 DM > 15 years duration Any additional CAD Risk Factor Evidence of Microvascular Disease Peripheral Vascular Disease Autonomic Neuropathy (If Stress Test or Baseline EKG suspicious perform RADIONUCLEOTIDE STRESS TESTING)
Slide 37 - CARDIAC DISEASE Known CAD Evaluate ischemic response to exercise/ischemic threshold and propensity to dysrhythmia
Slide 38 - PERIPHERAL ARTERY DISEASE If symptoms of claudication or signs of arterial insufficiency  Doppler pressure studies  Closely supervised exercise program
Slide 39 - PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY Assess DTR’s, vibratory sense, position sense, and light touch (5.07 / 10g monofilament) Protective foot wear: socks that minimize friction (polyester or cotton –polyester blend) shoes with air or silica gel midsoles well fitted to foot Frequent inspection of feet for rubbing/wear areas, blisters  vigilance against injury to feet is paramount. IF PROTECTIVE SENSATION LOST  AVOID RUNNING OR PROLONGED EXERCISE WALKING
Slide 40 - AUTONOMIC NEUROPATHY Prone to HYPERTENSION or HYPOTENSION after vigorous exercise, especially when first initiating exercise program Difficulty with THERMOREGULATION  AVOID EXERCISE IN EXTREMES OF TEMPERATURE Cardiac Autonomic Neuropathy (CAN) suggested by resting tachycardia, orthostasis, with other organ system autonomic dysfunction.  THALLIUM PERFUSION STUDY RECOMMENDED
Slide 41 - RETINOPATHY If have PROLIFERATIVE DIABETIC RETINOPATHY (PDR) vigorous or strenuous activity may precipitate vitreous hemorrhage or retinal detachment.  Avoid exercise involving straining or Valsalva-like maneuvers  Avoid anaerobic exercise  Avoid altitude sports NEPHROPATHY Recommended to avoid high intensity or strenuous exercise (though not well studied).
Slide 42 - SPECIFIC GUIDANCE BY TYPE OF DIABETES TYPE 1 DIABETES 1. Estimate energy requirement of planned exercise 2. Pre-exercise planning: Timing Intensity & Duration of Exercise Pre-breakfast exercise typically lower risk for hypoglycemia Decrease insulin / increase carbohydrate for increased intensity or duration Carbohydrate Ingestion Before During and After Exercise Type of carbohydrate important as is amount and frequency of ingestion Insulin Adjustments Type: short-acting allows easier adjustment
Slide 43 - SPECIFIC GUIDANCE BY TYPE OF DIABETES TYPE 1 DIABETES (cont’d) 3. Monitor blood glucose before, during and after exercise. - Watch rate of change as well as absolute glucose value - More frequent monitoring with new programs or modifications to training regimen. - More frequent monitoring with prolonged exercise or endurance events
Slide 44 - Blood Glucose Exercise Guide: (Pre-Exercise Values) Ideal For Exercise: 120 – 180 mg% BG < 100 mg%  Snack before exercise BG 100-250 mg%  Exercise BG >250 mg% (or ketones)  Delay exercise, check ketones, address elevated glucose/ dehydration
Slide 45 - SPECIFIC GUIDANCE BY TYPE OF DIABETES TYPE 1 DIABETES (cont’d) 4. Insulin management: Multi-dose regimen allows better flexibility Insulin pump (Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion or CSII) may allow tighter titration - reduce pre-meal insulin bolus and basal infusion rate during exercise (also post exercise for prolonged exertion) Short Acting (Humulog/Lispro) preferable - Wait 30 minutes after injection before exercise - Decrease short-acting insulin pre-exercise 30% for exercise < 1 Hr 40% for exercise 1-2 Hr 50% for exercise > 3 Hr
Slide 46 - TYPE 2 DIABETES Hypoglycemia can occur with oral agents Many patients now on combination regimens (combined oral hypo- glycemics / oral + insulin) requiring accounting for combined effects of each agent May need to modify oral hypoglycemic regimen as response to insulin is enhanced Weight loss is key to improving glycemic control ( insulin resistance) in many Type 2 diabetics Target of 20-60 minutes moderate intensity exercise at least 4 days per week Couple exercise regimen with diet planning to optimize treatment
Slide 47 - CONCLUSION - Benefits from exercise realized by non-diabetics can be achieved by diabetic patients as well (though metabolic gains typically are greatest for Type 2 DM). - Guidelines for exercise in uncomplicated diabetes are the same as those for non-diabetics with the caveat of heightened vigilance for potential complications related to diabetes. - Self blood glucose monitoring and flexible insulin regimens are key elements to successful pursuit of exercise in Type 1 DM
Slide 48 - CONCLUSION - Screening and adjustment for co-morbid condition in diabetes is crucial to avoid exercise related complications - Adjustments for insulin must be individualized as there is much variation in insulin pharmacokinetics and glycemic response between Type 1 DM patients
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