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CSH to LCC Exercise PowerPoint Presentation

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CSH to LCC Exercise Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - LCSH to LCC Exercise
Slide 2 - Smart but deadly creature of the deep: the cuttlefish. By Diverman. 2007
Slide 3 - Cuttlefish (May Subd Geog) [QL430.3.S47] UF Sepiidae Sepiophora BT Sepiida NT Sepia Smart but deadly creature of the deep: the cuttlefish. By Diverman. 2007 Go to ClassWeb to look up QL430.3.S47
Slide 4 - Smart but deadly creature of the deep: the cuttlefish. By Diverman. 2007
Slide 5 - Smart but deadly creature of the deep: the cuttlefish. By Diverman. 2007 QL430.3.S47
Slide 6 - Smart but deadly creature of the deep: the cuttlefish. By Diverman. 2007
Slide 7 - QL430.3 .S47 Smart but deadly creature of the deep: the cuttlefish. By Diverman. 2007 .D5 2007 Zoology--Invertebrates--Mollusca--Systematic divisions--Cephalopoda--By family, A-Z--Sepiidae
Slide 8 - The Bakaonde people of Africa by Wendy Widetraveler. Published in 2005. Bakaonde  Kaonde (African people) In LCSH: Kaonde (African people) [DT3058.K36] Search for this in ClassWeb
Slide 9 - ppt slide no 9 content not found
Slide 10 - The Bakaonde people of Africa by Wendy Widetraveler. Published in 2005. DT3058 .K36 History of Africa--Zambia. Northern Rhodesia--Ethnography--Individual elements in the population, A-Z--Kaonde .W5 2005
Slide 11 - There’s another way…
Slide 12 - Smart but deadly creature of the deep: the cuttlefish. By Diverman. 2007
Slide 13 - Smart but deadly creature of the deep: the cuttlefish. By Diverman. 2007 Cuttlefish
Slide 14 - Smart but deadly creature of the deep: the cuttlefish. By Diverman. 2007
Slide 15 - Smart but deadly creature of the deep: the cuttlefish. By Diverman. 2007