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Cow Urine And Its Antiseptic Values PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Cow Urine And Its Antiseptic Values In accordance to cow protection and the benefits of Cow Urine.
Slide 2 - The use of gomutra (cow urine) in India can be traced back to the Vedic times. In Vedas it has been well documented as a purifying substance and as an ingredient of the Panchayagavya Milk, Urine, Dung, Ghee and Curd of Cow.
Slide 3 - Proponents of urine therapy quote sources to indicate that cow urine was not only used in India, but for several Centuries in many parts of the Globe. Roman emperors and several European physicians in the 18th Century, as well as the Chinese traditional healers used Cow Urine as a cure for many ailments.
Slide 4 - Benefits of Cow Urine Cow urine balances the tridosh (mucous, bile and air) thus diseases are cured. Cow urine has all elements, which compensate for deficiency of nutrients in our body Cow urine is also used to cure various diseases. It plays a major role in all ayurvedic medicine preparations. It plays an important role in curing diabetes, blood pressure, asthma, psoriasis, eczema, heart attack, blockage in arteries, fits, cancer, AIDS, piles, prostrate, arthritis, migraine, thyroid, ulcer, acidity, constipation, gynecological problems, ear and nose problems, and several other diseases
Slide 5 - Various elements present in Cow Urine The analysis of cow urine has shown that it contains nitrogen, sulphur, phosphate, sodium, manganese, carbolic acid, iron, silicon, chlorine, magnesium, melci, citric, titric, succenic, calcium salts, Vitamin A, B, C, D, E, minerals, lactose, enzymes, creatinine, hormones, gold acids
Slide 6 - Uses of the Chemicals present in Cow urine. Removes blood abnormalities and toxins, Cleanses blood, Maintains balance and helps in production of red blood cells & hemoglobin. It increases immunity power. AuOH[Aurium Hydroxide] is highly antibiotic and anti-toxic. Bone strengthener and there are a wide number of uses.
Slide 7 - The journal by Jordanna Bailkin, overviews British-India relations during the late 19th century and early 20th century that had an effect on art in Britain. Indian yellow, or puree, was created in India by cow-keepers (gwalas), through the urine of cows. The cows had to be fed only mango leaves in order for their urine to be the right hue. This color was significant to artists which also played a significant role in the small scale industries.
Slide 8 - THE U.S. Patent Office (USPTO) grants thousands of patents every week, the U.S. Patent, 6410059, titled "Pharmaceutical Compositions containing Cow urine Distillate was used as an Antibiotic" issued to S.P.S. Kanuja and 13 others and assigned to the Council of Scientific And Industrial Research (CSIR), attracted global attention. The Minister For Science And Technology, Government of India, at a Press Conference, said that the U.S. Patent made him realize that all traditional practices from Indian Systems of Medicine have a strong scientific base.
Slide 9 - Conclusion. Let's hope this urine therapy could open doors for curing wide range of dreadful diseases. Use cow products always. Remain healthy and MAKE VRINDAVAN VILLAGES.