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Common Base and Common Collector Amplifiers PowerPoint Presentation

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Slide 1 - Common Base and Common Collector Amplifiers
Slide 2 - Reminder: BJT Small Signal Model ib r E B C ic ib ie
Slide 3 - Definition of input and output voltage and current directions iin iout vin vout
Slide 4 - Common Base Amplifiers Uses the same stabilised bias scheme as CE configuration.
Slide 5 - Common Base Amplifiers Uses the same stabilised bias scheme as CE configuration. The base is grounded for a.c. signals using a large capacitor. Signal input at the emitter (between the emitter and the common base) Signal output at the collector (between the collector and the common base)
Slide 6 - Common Base Amplifiers R1 R2 CB vin RC vout RL
Slide 7 - Common Base Amplifiers We will ignore the a.c. coupled load RL R1 R2 CB RC
Slide 8 - CB Amplifier, a.c. equivalent. E B C ib ic= iout RC r vin RE ie iin vout ib
Slide 9 - Common Base Amplifier
Slide 10 - Common Base Amplifier
Slide 11 - Common Base Amplifier Input impedance to transistor
Slide 12 - Common Base Amplifier E B C ib ic= iout RC r vin RE ie iin vout ib vin
Slide 13 - Common Base Amplifier Input impedance to stage (whole amplifier)
Slide 14 - Common Base Amplifier E B C ib ic= iout RC r vin RE ie iin vout ib
Slide 15 - Common Collector Amplifier Signal input between base and common collector. Signal output between emitter and common collector.
Slide 16 - Common Collector Amplifier VCC R1 R2 RE vin vout
Slide 17 - CC Amplifier, a.c. equivalent circuit vout RB = R1//R2 vin ie E
Slide 18 - Common Collector Amplifier
Slide 19 - Common Collector Amplifier Transistor input impedance =
Slide 20 - Common Collector Amplifier
Slide 21 - Common Collector Amplifier
Slide 22 - Common Collector Amplifier To find the output impedance we note that: Hence
Slide 23 - Common Collector Amplifier The voltage gain is slightly less than unity. The CC circuit is sometimes known as an emitter follower since the output voltage at the emitter follows the input voltage at the base.
Slide 24 - Common Collector Amplifier The prime function of this circuit is to connect a high resistance source to a low resistance load (“a buffer amplifier”). Since voltage gain is approximately one this is achievable as the current gain is high.