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Biology (What Is the Study of Life) PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Biology (What Is the Study of Life) powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Biology (What Is the Study of Life) in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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Biology (What Is the Study of Life) Presentation Transcript

Slide 1 - Biology: What Is the Study of Life?
Slide 2 - Why Study Biology? Two important reasons for studying Biology: Biology is relevant to our everyday experience Medical advances Addressing needs of growing human population Challenges of decreasing rate of biodiversity Biotechnology advances
Slide 3 - Why Study Biology? Biology can be controversial Examples: Dealing with endangered species? Use of human fetal tissue in biomedical research? Safety of irradiated foods? Figure 1-1c
Slide 4 - What is Biology? It is the study of life. Branch of science A way of understanding nature. A human endeavor An attempt to understand, explain, integrate and describe the world of living things.
Slide 5 - What is Life? Living organisms: Highly organized and complex. Are composed of one or more cells. Contain a blueprint of their characteristics. Acquire and use energy. Carry out and control numerous reactions.
Slide 6 - What is Life? Living organisms: Grow. Maintain constant internal environment. Produce offspring. Respond to environmental changes. May evolve. Insert F01_03b
Slide 7 - Biology is a Branch of Science Both an activity and body of knowledge. A way of understanding the natural world. Scientists make predictions and test those predictions.
Slide 8 - Major Themes in Biology Evolution by Natural Selection Inheritance Cells Biological Classification Bioenergetics Homeostasis Ecosystems
Slide 9 - How is Biology studied? Insert F01-06
Slide 10 - Scientific Method Begins with observations about our surroundings. Next, ask questions about the phenomena we are observing.
Slide 11 - Scientific Method Followed by generating a hypothesis. Tentative explanation to the question.
Slide 12 - Scientific Method Testing Scientists perform tests to determine the accuracy of their hypothesis.
Slide 13 - Scientific Method Explanation It is a hypothesis that has passed the widest and most comprehensive series of tests. Still subject to review and consideration. May be elevated to a theory = well demonstrated principle.