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BALD EAGLES PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional BALD EAGLES powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on BALD EAGLES in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

The uploader spent his/her valuable time to create this BALD EAGLES powerpoint presentation slides, to share his/her useful content with the world. This ppt presentation uploaded by onlinesearch in Health & Wellness ppt presentation category is available for free download,and can be used according to your industries like finance, marketing, education, health and many more.

About This Presentation

Slide 1 - by Jeremy and Jacob BALD EAGLES
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Slide 4 - If you like bald eagles you’ll like these facts. The facts can help you find eagle. You would love the bald eagle after you read our report. INTRODUCTION
Slide 5 - Male weigh 8 to 9 pounds. The bald eagles have a very large head. It’s covered with white feathers. Eagles have the best eye sight out of any birds. DESCRIPTION
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Slide 7 - Eagles can fly at speeds at 20 to 60 mph. When the eagles dive for its prey they can reach 100 mph. American bald eagles can do loops like a airplanes and do tricks. When a bald eagle flies it’s high thin scream sounds like a creaking rusty hinges. It can be heard over a long distance. FLYING
Slide 8 - The biggest eagles nest was 2,000 pounds it weighs as much as a car. In the united states the first image of an bald eagle appeared on a document singed by George Washington after the Revolutionary War. Eagles make there nest out of pine needles, grass, feathers, twigs, and moss. Eagles nests are made by water lands and rivers. The bird builds there nests in tall trees or on a high cliffs. Eagles nests may be built 10 to 150 feet above the ground. NESTS
Slide 9 - I hope you learned a lot about eagles. If you didn’t like bald eagles before I hope you do now. Bald Eagles are amazing animals. ENDING