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Arteriography and Angiography PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Angiography and Arteriography SPRING 2009 FINAL 3-10-09
Slide 2 - Angiography Is the general term that describes the radiologic examination of vascular structures within the body after the introduction of an iodinated contrast medium or gas
Slide 3 - Types of Angiographic Procedures
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Slide 5 - Angiography Team Radiologist CIT (Radiologic Technologist) Sometimes more than one Other specialists (if needed) Nurse Anesthesiologist (if needed)
Slide 6 - Indications Verify the presence of tumors Blood supply to tumors Internal bleeding Possible anemia Stenosis Can be caused form atherosclerosis Occlusions Clots Thrombus Embolus Aneurysms Heart disease
Slide 7 - Contraindications Previous severe reaction to contrast Impaired renal function Impaired blood clotting factors Inability to undergo surgical procedure
Slide 8 - Contrast Media Iodinated contrast media is used Can produce nausea & an uncomfortable burning sensation Allergic reactions Severe: anaphylactic shock Shock, rapid shallow breathing, high pulse rate & ALOC Mild: Hives or slight difficulty breathing
Slide 9 - What is this?
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Slide 11 - Angiographic Trays and Sterile Supplies
Slide 12 - Other Supplies for Angiography
Slide 13 - Needles Vascular access needles Size based on external diameter of needle Allows for appropriate Guidewires matching So internal diameter must also be known
Slide 14 - Guidewires Used as a platform over which a catheter is to be advanced Once positioned guidewire is fixed and catheter is advanced until it meets the tip of the guidwire Mostly constructed on stainless steel & coated with Teflon
Slide 15 - Introducer Sheaths Short catheters used when multiple catheters will be used Placed in lieu of a catheter
Slide 16 - Catheters
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Slide 18 - DSA A subtraction mask is taken before contrast injected Each of digitized image is from the mask Images acquired form 1 image every 2-3 sec Up to 30 images per sec
Slide 19 - Three Dimensional (3-D) Intraarterial Angiography
Slide 20 - What Method is this?
Slide 21 - Catherization: Selinger Technique
Slide 22 - Selinger Technique Catheters and Guidewires
Slide 23 - Pre-Procedure PT’s are usually limited to a liquid diet and routine medications Adequate hydration An IV line placed Sedative may be given History taken and vitals taken Informed consent
Slide 24 - Preparing the Patient Room Must be extensively cleaned Equipment checked Room thoroughly stocked Extra supplies as needed
Slide 25 - Radiation Protection PT is protected by no less than 2.5 mm of Aluminum Beam restriction Avoidance of repeat exposure Cardinal rules Time Distance Shielding
Slide 26 - Post Procedure PTs usually can resume normal activity after 24 hours Most often can go home after 24 hours Because internal bleeding can be life threatening Vitals are monitored Puncture site is monitored for bleeding
Slide 27 - Stent Placement http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/images/stent_restenosis.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/Diseases/stents/stents_all.html&usg=__xDlbsaX9JhuYbpVojLcz19apr-I=&h=513&w=450&sz=59&hl=en&start=20&tbnid=vWwqaG-RNW7M-M:&tbnh=131&tbnw=115&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dabdominal%2Bstents%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den
Slide 28 - Abdominal Arteries
Slide 29 - Abdominal Angiography
Slide 30 - AAA Pre and Post Stent Placement
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Slide 32 - Abdominal Stent
Slide 33 - AAA
Slide 34 - Renal Arteriogram
Slide 35 - Lower Limb Arteries
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Slide 37 - Leg Atherosclerosis
Slide 38 - Atherosclerosis Left Leg
Slide 39 - Upper Limb Arteries
Slide 40 - Upper Extremity Anatomy
Slide 41 - Brachial and Axillary Arteriogram
Slide 42 - Axillary Arteriogram
Slide 43 - Hand Arteriogram
Slide 44 - Hand Arteriogram with Occlusion
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Slide 46 - Circle of Willis
Slide 47 - Neck and Brain Arteries
Slide 48 - Middle Cerebral and Internal Carotid
Slide 49 - DSA showing embolization before and after procedure
Slide 50 - Carotid and Brain
Slide 51 - Carotid Atherosclerosis
Slide 52 - Posterior Vertebral Artery
Slide 53 - Posterior Vertebral Angiogram
Slide 54 - Aneurysms
Slide 55 - Pulmonary Circulation
Slide 56 - Pulmonary Arteriogram
Slide 57 - Lateral RT common Carotid Arteriogram
Slide 58 - Balloon Angioplasty
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Slide 60 - Balloon Angioplasty Procedure
Slide 61 - Femoral Artery Angioplasty
Slide 62 - Angioplasty Pre and PostIntracranial
Slide 63 - Placing a Stent after Angioplasty with Balloon
Slide 64 - Intravascular Stents