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Animal Breeding Techniques and Technologies PowerPoint Presentation

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PowerPoint is the world's most popular presentation software which can let you create professional Animal Breeding Techniques and Technologies powerpoint presentation easily and in no time. This helps you give your presentation on Animal Breeding Techniques and Technologies in a conference, a school lecture, a business proposal, in a webinar and business and professional representations.

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Animal Breeding Techniques and Technologies
Slide 2 - Embryo Transfer
Slide 3 - Embryo Transfer (ET) Why use ET? To make widespread use of females with high genetic merit: the female equivalent of AI. Naturally mated ewe: 1-3 lambs per year ET: up to 50 lambs can be produced per year Disadvantages Costly, labour intensive, requires technical expertise 14 Embryos ready for transfer What is ET? Fertilized embryos are removed from the uterus horn of a superovulated “donor” and transplanted into a synchronized “recipient” uterus
Slide 4 - ET Programme Progesterone CIDR Progesterone CIDR Mating (AI or natural) Recovery of embryos Embryos transplanted PMSG injection Remove CIDR GnRH injection DONOR (1) RECIPIENTS (6-14) 0 10 12 13 15 14 21 CIDR: controlled internal drug release PMSG: pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin GnRH: gonadotrophin releasing hormone FSH: follicle stimulating hormone
Slide 5 - Embryo collection in sheep
Slide 6 - Embryo collection in Cows
Slide 7 - ET Technique Donor is fasted for 12-24 hours Donor is prepared for surgery: anesthetized, put on surgical table, wool clipped, site sterilized Uterus and ovaries are exteriorised Corpus luteum are detected Eggs are recovered from uterus horns by flushing a sterile solution through with a foley catheter. Solution containing the embryos is collected in a watch glass Embryos are examined under microscope, only good quality embryos at correct stage of development are selected for transplant to the recipients
Slide 8 - Recipient is fasted for 12-24 hours Recipients are prepared for surgery: sedated, put in cradle, wool clipped, site sterilized, local anesthetic Abdomen is punctured with trocar, a laparoscope (light source) is inserted Corpus luteum are detected Forceps are inserted to exteriorise a uterus horn 1-2 embryos are implanted into the uterus horn with a pipette The embryo develops in the recipient as if it were her own ET Technique
Slide 9 - ET End Result