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Alternative Fuels Overview 2006 PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - 1 Alternative Fuels Overview
Slide 2 - U.S. Energy Consumption Source: Annual Energy Outlook 2006, Energy Information Administration.
Slide 3 - U.S. Energy by Sector Source: Annual Energy Outlook 2006, Energy Information Administration.
Slide 4 - U.S. Oil Consumption Source:Transportation Energy Data Book Edition 24, Oak Ridge National Laboratory Center for Transportation Analysis, http://cta.ornl.gov/data and Annual Energy Outlook 2005, Energy Information Administration.
Slide 5 - Alternative Fuels—One Solution Domestically produced. Derived from renewable sources. Reduces harmful pollutants, exhaust emissions, and CO2 emissions.
Slide 6 - Ethanol Properties Alcohol-based fuel produced from starch crops or cellulosic biomass (trees and grasses). Currently, corn is primary feedstock. High octane (100+); enhances octane properties of gasoline and used as oxygenate to reduce CO emissions. 27% - 36% less energy content than gasoline. OEM’s estimate 15% - 30% decrease in mileage. E85 vehicles demonstrate a 25% reduction in ozone-forming emissions compared to gasoline. As an alternative fuel, most commonly used in a blend of 85% ethanol and 15% gasoline (E85).
Slide 7 - Ethanol Uses Mostly used in light-duty vehicles called flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs). FFVs can use 100% unleaded fuel or any mixture of E85 and unleaded fuel. Several manufacturers offer FFVs in car and pickup configurations. See the AFDC Web: www.eere.energy.gov/afdc .
Slide 8 - Ethanol Considerations Decreased mileage. High level of fuel pricing volatility until demand and supply balance. Refueling infrastructure not in place in all areas (1003 stations in the U.S. offered E85 in 2006). Ongoing debate: energy balance, land mass, food vs. fuel, and water required.
Slide 9 - Natural Gas Properties Recovered from underground reserves. Used in two forms: CNG (compressed natural gas) and LNG (liquefied natural gas). CNG and LNG vehicles can demonstrate reduced ozone-forming emissions compared to gasoline. May have increased hydrocarbon emissions. Contains 59% - 69% less energy content per gallon at 3000 - 3600 psig than gasoline. Widespread distribution infrastructure (737 CNG and 32 LNG refueling stations in operation in 2006).
Slide 10 - CNG/LNG Uses CNG used in light- and medium-duty vehicles. LNG used in heavy-duty trucks and all natural gas fueled locomotives. CNG stored onboard at 3000 - 3600 psig. LNG stored at 50 psig and fuel temperature at -2200F.
Slide 11 - CNG/LNG Considerations CNG refueling stations are either slow-fill (several hours to fill) or fast-fill (2 - 5 minutes). Additional safety modification for maintenance facilities required by NEC (National Electrical Code) and NFPA (National Fire Protection Association). Higher vehicle costs because of required tank configuration. Shorter vehicle range for CNG vehicles. Availability of refueling stations.
Slide 12 - Biodiesel Properties Manufactured from vegetable oils, animal fats, or recycled restaurant greases; reacted with alcohol to produce fatty acid alkyl ester. Nontoxic, biodegradable, and reduces serious air pollutants. B20 (20% biodiesel, 80% petroleum diesel) can generally be used in unmodified diesel engines. Can be used in pure form (B100), but may require engine modifications. Has a higher cetane number and provides more lubricity. B20 contains 9% less energy content per gallon than #2 diesel.
Slide 13 - Biodiesel Uses B20 can generally be used in all unmodified diesel engines. Using biodiesel maintains the same payload capacity and range and provides similar horsepower, torque, and fuel economy.
Slide 14 - Biodiesel Considerations Potential issues with cold starting. Also, cold weather storage requires additional steps to keep biodiesel usable. Fuel related failures may not be covered by some OEM warranties if greater than B5 is used. Limited production and availability. At the end of 2006 there were 635 stations offering biodiesel.
Slide 15 - Propane (LPG) Properties By-product of natural gas processing and crude oil refining. HD5, the automotive propane standard, a mixture of 90% propane and other hydrocarbons. Contains 33% - 41% less energy content per gallon than gasoline. LPG vehicles can demonstrate a 60% reduction in ozone-forming emissions compared to gasoline. High octane properties (~104) allow LPG vehicles to operate with higher compression ratios; leads to higher efficiency/fuel economy.
Slide 16 - Propane (LPG) Uses Used in light- and medium-duty vehicles, heavy-duty trucks and buses. Popular choice for non-road vehicles such as forklifts and agricultural and construction vehicles. Many propane vehicles are converted gasoline vehicles. (Conversion kits include regulator/vaporizer, air/fuel mixer, oxygen-monitoring closed-loop feedback system, and special fuel tank.)
Slide 17 - Propane (LPG) Considerations Widespread infrastructure of pipelines, processing facilities, and storage (2,499 stations in U.S. offered LPG in 2006). For vehicles, need to balance range vs. payload reduction caused by larger fuel tanks. Increased vehicle costs.
Slide 18 - Electricity Properties Recharges batteries in electric vehicles. Electricity sources for battery recharging (electrical outlet, gasoline engine on-board vehicle, regenerative braking). Electricity sources for power outlets (coal, natural gas, nuclear, wind, other renewables).
Slide 19 - Electricity Uses Two categories include EVs or plug-ins (externally charged) and HEVs or hybrid vehicles (self-charged). Both use battery storage. Available in neighborhood electric vehicles, bicycles, light-duty vehicles, medium- and heavy-duty trucks and buses. Hybrids use an electric motor or a combination of a gasoline engine and electric motor to drive the wheels. Hybrids use batteries to store electricity produced by regenerative braking and the onboard generator. Range of a dedicated electric is typically 50-130 miles.
Slide 20 - Electricity Considerations Fuel savings (10% - 100% depending on application and vehicle). Payback on investment. Possible federal and state tax credits for purchase of hybrid.
Slide 21 - Hydrogen Properties Does not occur to any significant extent on earth in its free, elemental form. Found in chemical compositions such as water and hydrocarbons, and dry coal. Pure hydrogen contains no carbon thus burns to form water with no CO2 or CO emissions. One kg of hydrogen contains roughly equivalent energy to one gallon of gasoline. Can be stored as compressed hydrogen at 5,000 – 10,000 psi or liquid hydrogen (cooled to -4230F).
Slide 22 - Hydrogen Uses Emerging fuel for transportation fuel cells. Used in modified internal combustion engines. Fuel cells use a direct electrochemical reaction to produce electricity on board the vehicle. This electricity is used to power electric motors. Ongoing demonstration projects in select U.S. areas.
Slide 23 - Hydrogen Considerations Vehicles not available for commercial sale. Infrastructure extremely limited (31 demonstration-level refueling stations in the U.S in 2006).
Slide 24 - October 2006 Average Fuel Prices Nationwide Average Price Nationwide Average Price Change in Units of This Report Last Report (6/06) Price Measurement Gasoline (Regular) $2.22 $2.84 ($0.62) per gallon Diesel $2.62 $2.98 ($0.36) per gallon CNG $1.77 $1.90 ($0.13) per GGE Ethanol (E85) $2.11 $2.43 ($0.32) per gallon Propane $2.33 $2.08 $0.25 per gallon Biodiesel (B20) $2.66 $2.92 ($0.26) per gallon Biodiesel (B2-B5) $2.75 $2.97 ($0.22) per gallon Biodiesel (B99-B100) $3.31 $3.76 ($0.45) per gallon Clean Cities Alternative Fuel Price Report October 2006
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