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About Asexual Reproduction PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - This presentation was originally prepared by C. William Birky, Jr. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology The University of Arizona It may be used with or without modification for educational purposes but not commercially or for profit. The author does not guarantee accuracy and will not update the lectures, which were written when the course was given during the Spring 2007 semester.
Slide 2 - Asexual Reproduction in Eukaryotes: Mitosis The Argentine band The real thing going on inside their cells
Slide 3 - Nuclear Genomes and Chromosomes Genome size in bp (or kbp or Mbp or Gbp) = C value S. cerevisiae Homo sapiens C 12.5 Mbp 3.3 Gbp Number genes 5,770 20,000 - 25,000 (or even 65,000?) Number of chromosomes in a haploid set = N Diploids have 2N chromosomes Drosophila 4 Yeast 16 Humans 23 Dogs 39 Human chromosome size ranges 49 Mbp - 246 Mbp ≈ 1.6 - 8.2 cm Smallest is longer than entire cell. Total ≈ 1 m Go to http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mapview/map_search.cgi Click on the number below any chromosome; 22 might be best because it is smallest.
Slide 4 - Chromosome Structure and Karyotypes Basic chromosome structure Conventional diagram of metaphase chromosome with 2 chromatids. Centromere = DNA sequence where proteins bind to make a kinetochore = structure to which microtubules bind. Left: human metaphase chromosomes squashed and stained to show landmarks Right: diagram of human karyotype with G-bands. Short (p) and long (q) arms.
Slide 5 - Eukaryotic Cell Cycle Cytokinesis (cell division)
Slide 6 - Mitosis Diagrams 1 Karyotype: N = 2 1 short acrocentric chromosome 1 long metacentric chromosome Gene A is on metacentric, gene B is on acrocentric chromosome. Cell is heterozygous: A a, B b Nuclear membrane may or may not break down, dependng on the species. centriole
Slide 7 - Mitosis Diagrams 2 In mitosis: Sister kinetochores (centromeres) are attached to microtubules from opposite poles in metaphase, therefore sister kinetochores and sister chromatids segregate at anaphase, therefore daugher cells get one copy of each chromosome.
Slide 8 - Mitosis Images
Slide 9 - Many organisms are haploid during part or all of their life cycle: e.g.ferns, many unicellular protists, fungi. These include important experimental organisms. Mitosis works the same way in haploid as in diploid cells, except that there is only one set of chromosomes.
Slide 10 - Eukaryotic Clones Clone = all descendants of a single cell by mitosis. Asexual reproduction. Seen in: (1) Unicellular organisms (e.g. yeast, Chlamydomonas): progeny of single cell. Handle like bacteria. (2) Multicellular organisms (e.g. animal, plant): (a) all cells in one individual (b) monozygotic twins, etc. (c) progeny produced by fission (planaria) or budding (Hydra) (d) progeny produced by vegetative propagation of plants (aspen) (e) progeny produced by some kinds of parthenogenesis (some fish, lizards, Drosophila; many plants) Parthenogenesis = egg develops into an adult without fertilization. Some forms of parthenogenesis produce diploid egg by mitotic division; others do it by meiotic division followed by restoration of diploidy by various means. All usually called asexual.
Slide 11 - Many eukaryotes are asexual Many parasites are asexual Some Asexual Eukaryotes
Slide 12 - Today much genetic analysis is done with cells or organisms reproducing asexually. Used for:  Selecting mutants.  Making custom-made mutants by transformation/transfection.  Growing identical organisms that can be used to separate effects of genotype from environment, etc.
Slide 13 - Modern genetic methods might allow one to use a clone for other purposes. So far, this one is impossible: Verse by Isaac Asimov, meant to be sung to tune of "Home on the Range" "O give me a clone Of my own flesh and bone With its Y chromosome changed to X. And when it is grown Then my own little clone Will be of the opposite sex. Clone, clone of my own, With its Y chromosome changed to X. And when I'm alone With my own little clone We'll both think of nothing but ---."
Slide 14 - Summary 1. In the cell cycle, each chromosome = DNA molecule is replicated exactly once. 2. In anaphase of mitosis, sister centromeres (kinetochores), and hence sister chromatids, segregate. Thus each daughter cell gets one copy of each chromosome. Consequence: Daughter cells produced by mitosis have identical chromosomes. Genes are identical, barring mutation. Cells and organisms produced by mitosis constitute a clone. Today much genetic analysis is done with cells or organisms reproducing asexually. Bacteria Yeast Chlamydomonas Animal (including human) and plant cells in culture Used to: Select and identify mutants. Custom-made mutants: Transform/transfect cells: get them to take up a piece of a gene with a mutation built into it. That piece of DNA replaces the resident gene, which is now mutant.
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