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About Acupressure PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Acupuncture/Acupressure Ancient Art to Modern medicine
Slide 2 - Acupuncture/Acupressure Western: Relieve muscle spasms Change Immune System Enhance mental clarity/Calm mind Release hormones and neurotransmitters Decrease pain, swelling, etc. Increase bloodflow to area Eastern Works with meridians to restore balance of organs Remove energy blockages Tonify deficient Qi Sedate and Disperse Stagnation or Excesses
Slide 3 - Acupoints Often found in depressions between muscle bundles and bones Find the Dip! Technique Acupuncture Acupressure Aquapuncture Lacer Moxa Pneumoacupuncture Electric Stimulation
Slide 4 - Diagnostic Points Alarm –May indicate organ involvement or energy imbalance Association points – transport Qi to organ If reactive, rule out: Local problem Problem on that meridian distally Disharmony of TCVM Organ If both reactive often organ or organ and meridian problem
Slide 5 - Diagnostic Points Excess Protruding Warm Painful/Sensitive Tender to light pressure Hard/Dense Deficiency Depressed Cool/Cold Vacant/Empty Tender to deep pressure Soft/Spongy
Slide 6 - Acupressure: Local Diagnostic Point Treatment Sedate excessive points: Apply light pressure until feel resistance Hold Pressure until feel resistance dissipate Then exert more pressure until feel resistance Repeat Tonify deficient points: Apply pressure in short, pulsating thumb movement Continue until point warms Less time
Slide 7 - Contraindications Pregnancy Body is out of balance and needs to stay out of balance Wait 3-4 hours after or before eating Excitement High fever 12-24 hours post breeding
Slide 8 - Meridian Review - Lung Govern Skin and Hair Indicated: respiratory conditions, dry skin, dull coat, compulsive behavior, chronic grief and depression Function: Takes Qi from air to build defenses, regulates sweat and skin moistening, body hair and skin, eliminates noxious gases
Slide 9 - Meridian Review – Large Intestine Skin and Hair Indicated in constipation/diarrhea, respiratory conditions, tight neck muscles, skin problems, weak immune system Function: receive food and H2O, absorb fluid and excrete remainder thus removing stagnant qi, supports the lung
Slide 10 - Meridian Review - Stomach Governs Muscles and lymph Indicated: Digestive tract disorders, eye problems, knee problems, inflammation, jaw tension/pain, lethargy and weakness Function: receive and transform all food with spleen, transport food essence and qi to body, nourish muscles
Slide 11 - Meridian Review Spleen Governs muscles and lymph Indicators: Immune system deficiency/disorder, muscle problems, decrease strength, digestive disorders Function: Primary organ in production of postnatal Qi, governs blood, immune system, essential Energy, governs muscles, connective tissue, 4 limbs, proper movement, digestion
Slide 12 - Meridian Review Heart Vascular system Indicators: Shoulder problem, restless, disturbed sleep, cardiovasc. Problems, nervous system disorders, hyper or depression Function: Control direction and strength of blood flow, center of emotion and mental consciousness, memory Pericardium is protector
Slide 13 - Meridian Review – Small Intestine Indicators: Shoulder problems, foreleg problems, neck and jaw pain/stiffness, lack of clarity or enthusiasm, depression Function: receive and transform nourishment, assimilate nutrients, rules discernment, brings clarity with Ht.
Slide 14 - Meridian Review - Bladder Indicators: Urinary Tract, Lower back and hock, general pain, muscle spasms or cramps of hindquarters, arthritis, bone/joint problems, association point sensitivity Function: Transforms fluids through storage and excretion, blance meridian system,
Slide 15 - Meridian Review - Kidney Indicators: Bone problems, periodontal disease, dull coat, reproductive issues, fear, aggression Function: Houses essence therefore fuels metabolism and maintain vitality, growth and bone healing, ears, sexual function, survival and instinctual fear
Slide 16 - Meridian Review - Pericardium Indicated for: Stiff neck, foreleg, and elbow, chest conditions, irregular heart rhythm including rapid heart, heart murmurs Function: Protect heart from external stresses, absorbs heat, protect heart from emotional stress, calms heart, balance emotions
Slide 17 - Meridian Review – Triple Heater Indicated for: ear problems, neck problems, forelimb problems Function: TH is a function not an organ, transforms and transports Qi between upper, mid and lower regions of the body, enhances the lymphatics system
Slide 18 - Meridian Review – Gall Bladder Indicated for: Arthritis, hock problems, muscle soreness, ear and eye problems, governs ligaments, tendons, anger, timidity, indecision Function: Regulate flow of Qi through body and governs decision making, rules eys, ligaments, tendons, joints
Slide 19 - Meridian Review - Liver Indicated for: eye problem, estrous cycle, digestive disorder, joint, tendon, ligaments, aggressiveness and anger Function: even and harmonious flow of Qi through body, metabolism, synthesize proteins, neutralize poisons, assisting in regulating blood sugar, secreting bile, controller of strategic planning, tendon and ligaments
Slide 20 - Meridian Review – Conception Vessel Indicated for: Genital disorders, problems of lung and chest, repro ailments, head and neck pain, itching, abdominal pain Function: controls Yin of an animal. Regulates peripheral nervous system, absorbs overflow of energy from one meridian and redirects it where energy is deficient
Slide 21 - Meridian Review – Governing Vessel Indicated for: Spinal problems, backache, hindquarter lameness, Nervous disorders, immune stimulation Function: Strengthen back and spine, controls bladder, central nervous system, redistributes and balances body’s QI especially Yang aspect
Slide 22 - Alarm Points
Slide 23 - Association Points
Slide 24 - Influential Points Lung 9 – Arteries BL 11 – Bones BL 12 – Wind and Trachea BL17 – Blood and diaphragm, Build Immune system Stomach 40- Phlegm GB 34 –Tendons GB 39 – Marrow and Brain Liv 13 – Yin Organs CV 12 – Yang Organs CV17 – Respiratory system and Qi
Slide 25 - Master Points LI 4 – Face and Mouth Lu 7 – Head and Neck St 36 – Abdomen and GI tract Sp 6 – Urogenital system and rear abdomen Bl 40 – Lower back and hips Pc 6 – Chest and front abdomen
Slide 26 - Emergencies Shock HT9, KI1, PC8, GV26, Baiwei, Tip of Tail Trauma LI4, ST35, 39, 44, SP6, TH23, BL60, 62 Seizures GV20, GB20, SP6, TH5, PC6, HT7
Slide 27 - Chinese Herbal Medicine Ancient Art to Modern Medicine
Slide 28 - Chinese Herbal vs. Natural medicine Extremely long written record of principles and experience with herbal Pattern based system Almost always based on a formula of herbs versus single herbs
Slide 29 - Substances used in TCVM Formula Plants ~ 80% Flower Leaf Root Bark Seed Whole herb Animal Parts ~ 15% Bone Shell/Skin Tissue Minerals ~ 5%
Slide 30 - Actions of Herbs Balance Yin and Yang Prevent Disease Improve quality of life Regulate Qi Treat Pathologic Strengthen Normal
Slide 31 - Naming of Chinese Herbals Different parts of plants and Different Species are used in different formulae Each species and even parts of plants can have different actions Ex: Ginseng American, Chinese and Siberian
Slide 32 - Herbal Formula Names By Color By Function By Shape By location
Slide 33 - Chinese Herbal Toxins vs Toxicity Heavy Metal Poisoning Air Pollutant Solvents Insecticides Herbicides Fumigants Side Effects The etiology of Disease Balancing herbals Allergy to plant/animal
Slide 34 - Causes of Herbal Reactions Toxic ingredients Overdosage Wrong Diagnosis Wrong Source of herbal – stem versus flower Processed Poorly – raw versus cooked Contaminated Reaction with Western Drugs Allergy Substitute in formula Impure Injection Using herbal too long - licorice
Slide 35 - Forms of Administration Food Therapy Soup, tea/decoction Powder Pill/Tablet Injection Wine/Tincture Patch Cream/Spray/Steam Moxa
Slide 36 - Herbal Formulations Emperor – Greatest effect on main pattern Usually in largest amount Deputy – Aids in treating main pattern or used against 2ndary pattern Assistant – Reinforces effect of chief/deputy, treats less important pattern, minimize side effects Envoy – harmonizer, focuses on specific merdian, organ, part of body
Slide 37 - Food Therapy Let Food be your medicine Hippocrates Follow same principles as herbals Flavors Direction Energies
Slide 38 - 5 Element Flavors Fire -- Bitter Earth -- Sweet Metal -- Pungent Water -- Salty Wood -- Sour
Slide 39 - TCM Zang-Fu Foods
Slide 40 - TCM Food Directions
Slide 41 - TCM Food Energies
Slide 42 - Use of Food Energies Treat hot conditions with cooling foods Treat cold conditions with warming foods
Slide 43 - Hot/Warm Foods Function: clear cold,tonify yang/Qi,remove stagnations,activate channels Treats: Yang deficiency,cold patterns,stagnation
Slide 44 - Cold/Cool Foods Function: Clear Heat, Drain Fire, Cooling blood Treats: Heat patterns including cough, hot flash, anxiety, red face Yin Defeciency
Slide 45 - Neutral Foods Function: General Qi and Blood tonic, Maintenance Treats: Qi and Yin deficiency, Blood Deficiency, Any other condition Caution: DO NOT PROMOTE DAMPNESS
Slide 46 - TMC Food Tonics Yin Deficiency Air Conditioner is broken Cool Seeking, Panting, Hot, Fast pulse, red tongue Yang Deficiency Heat Seeking, Sleeps in warm area/bed, Tongue pale/lavender, slow pulse Qi Deficiency Collapse, Congestive heart failure, incontinence, deep/weak pulse, pale/wet tongue Blood Deficiency Deeper/Chronic disease, dry signs, cracked pads, pale-dry tongue, cold paws
Slide 47 - *Avoid too much dampness
Slide 48 - Foods to Counteract Dampness Alfalfa, Barley, Garlic, Green Tea, Job’s Tears, Kidney Bean, Mackeral, Mushroom, Parsley, Pumpkin, Rutabaga, Rye, Turnip Water Draining: Edema, Swelling Aduki Bean, Alfalfa, Anchovy , Barley, Black Soybean, Job’s Tears, Kelp, Lettuce, Mackeral, Sardines, Seaweed Phlegm Resolving: Masses, Mucous, Mental issues, Seizures Almonds, Apple Peel, Garlic, Marjoram, Mushroom, Black and White Pepper, Peppermint, Plaintain (green), Seaweed (esp. thyroid masses, Shitake Mushrooms, Watercress
Slide 49 - Other TCM food Therapies
Slide 50 - Wind
Slide 51 - Principles of Using TCM Diet Identify constitutional type Determine whether Excess or Deficient In Excess, Feed the Grandparent (Ko cycle) In Deficiency, Feed the Zang-Fu and the Mother (Shen cycle) Balance the ingredients for each flavor, direction and energy For Prevention, Feed the Constitutional Grandchild
Slide 52 - Web Help Nats 2.0 – Balance Calcium www.nat.uiuc.edu/mainnat.html Ca:P ~1.2-1.4:1 adult Calcium Citrate 1200-1500mg/cup of meat Bone Meal- 5000mg/lb of meat 6 small chicken necks or 1 large turkey neck/cup of meat Turkey necks more of a choking risk Cusick’s Canine Nutrition Home.att.net/~cusickbook/2.pdf Integration Therapy for Specific Conditions Neuro.vetmed.ufl.edu/neuro/AltMed/Alt_Med_Neuro.htm Balanced Homemade Recipes Made Balanceit.com http://www.susanwynn.com/