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A Planet Earth PowerPoint Presentation

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About This Presentation

Slide 1 - Planet Earth
Slide 2 - Our Solar System The SUN is the ONLY star in our solar system. ALL objects in our solar system orbit the Sun. The Sun’s gravity pulls on each of the planets, holding the solar system together.
Slide 3 - Can you name all 9 planets in order? My M Very V Excited E Mother M Just J Served S Us U Nine N Pizzas P
Slide 4 - What is REVOLUTION? Revolution is the time it takes the Earth to make one “lap” around the Sun Earth’s revolution lasts 365.25 days We round this to 365 days which equals one ___________ In the ________________, Earth is closer to the Sun than during the _____________. Revolution is the way Earth has different seasons.
Slide 5 - What is ROTATION? Rotation is how long it takes the Earth to make one complete turn Earth’s rotation lasts 24 hours When our side of the Earth is NOT facing the Sun, we have _________ time. When our side of the Earth IS facing the Sun, we have __________ time.
Slide 6 - Check out these models! http://www.classzone.com/books/earth_science/terc/content/visualizations/es0408/es0408page01.cfm?chapter_no=04 http://www.fourmilab.ch/earthview/vplanet.html http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=0304D77C-109C-4D4B-B80B-A84CCE27EB9F&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US
Slide 7 - Think about it… How do we get our seasons? How do we get days and nights? Do all planets have the same length of rotation and revolution? Why do you think that?
Slide 8 - Task In the next week, you will be working with a small group to create a powerpoint presentation on the topic of your choice. You will need to write down your top 3 choices on the index card. You will be matched up with one of your choices and a group. Your final presentation will be shown to the class, graded, and put in your portfolio.
Slide 9 - Topic Choices Pick 3 from below… Sun Moon Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto